September 26, 2024


 Really a bad patch.  Never had anything to go so bad with my BELLLY I just hate that I am having to much trouble to those I love.  I loving caregivers are doing a wonderful job of caring for me.  Thank you everyone. Must stop--one is pushing me to let move a little.  And drink a little more.  O. K. I will try.

BETTY (under the weather) BOOP

September 21, 2024


I say happy afternoon, for that is what it was. Daughter and Grand-daughter came for a visit.  Bringing yet another med to add to my large collection of meds.  I have quite a lot now.  But they also brought frozen yogurt. from Menchie's!!! Soooo good.  They also brought laughter, (at my tired jokes), and stories of the outside world they live in and I told mine of the inside world where I live.  Made for a delightful pleasure and fun.

 spent a while decorating the Hall table.  Though the old things are a challenge to make them interesting, I think I did a good job of making a little Fall come in.  I will add Halloween later and then Thanksgiving.  All a sudden it will be Christmas.  The girls tell me they see Christmas decor in the stores and already trees decorated.  Oh, my where did the old favorite celebrations like Halloween and Thanksgiving go?  I will not forget them..  I have them in the  Memory bank Bank. 

BETTY (my mind still works sometimes) BOOP 

September 20, 2024


 Well, we hope.  Then we will have a new subject  to complain about.  I really  don't think it will be me.  I love Fall and then a mild Winter.  I have put in that order.  I am ready for a change in my old clothes how about you?  I know some (personally) who prefers the cool weather.  She gets so hot. According to Martha Stewart, bulky sweaters will be the thing to have.  When did she get to be an expert on the Fashion world?  Turns out I have one old bulky sweater.  What goes around, comes around.  Hold on to it all?  

This talk of fashions is making me tired.  See you later, I must dig deeper in the Cedar Chest.

BETTY (just kidding) BOOP  

September 19, 2024


   CHILLER--An important part of this giant Air system we have here.  Part was ordered a while ago.  Part came and an all day without air was upon us.  I still had Amy's fan and I was thankful.  Time passed and they had trouble installing it.  I could have predicted that.  Still out at bedtime.  I went to bed, scantly clothed under the fan.  Sometime during the early hours it came back on.  I reached for cover and slept well.  The had brought in a extra generator and are working still. Ohhhhh!!! guess what. I have just realized it is working Still more to do. They say.  I do feel sorry for all the night workers and their dedication to help us all. I hope to get fixed  soon.  I am used to set backs and things not going well,  but today I will stay calm and hope for the best.  Don't you like to hear other peoples troubles?  Takes you mind off yourself?      


September 18, 2024


Felt good about Dr. visit yesterday.  He said I am doing very good.  Report to various problems are good.  He was very pleased with the results.  So I guess it is just the old doubtful person that I am.  I will try to do better.  Numbers don't lie I guess.    The day was a joy, as I got to go to the farm and veg, stand my girls have been talking about. It was beautiful there.  So homey and welcoming.  They dragged a big rocking chair for me and the breeze was wonderful.   They even had a friendly Dog to welcome people.  While Jan shopped, I could JUST sit and rock,  I had to get up and hold on to the stands and get up close to pick okra, tomatoes, corn, and much more.  Oh squash too.  The country side was nice. Too bad it is filling up fast with new "stuff",  Progress????

So, my day went  well and I slept 10 hours and am having a slow time getting started, but the laundry is stacking up so I will hurry on.

We had breakfast  between lab work and visit to talk to Dr,  PRIMOS is close and good.  The grits was "were" the best I ever had. What a fine treat!!!!

The farm is called FAGAN FARMS  The owners live in their home near the stand.  Happy couple, still young (sort of). 

BETTY (so went my good day")  BOOP

September 16, 2024


 So nice to see that strange sun hat again.  I do not know the fellow who wears it, and haven't seen him up close, so it has added to the mystery and therefore my interest.  He is a good walker.  Nice day to walk, but most here are not early risers I think.  Younger people have to get on with there day and so they walk early.  MY folks do that.  

Must go to the foot Dr. today to have my regular toe clipping.  Can you imagine having to pay for that??  There are reasons and I will not go into them now.  

I had grapefruit at breakfast.  Nice surprise.  So good.  And another (though not a first) peanut butter in my oatmeal.  Also good. Try it sometime when you are feeling SILLY.

BETTY(looking for something new) BOOP

September 15, 2024


 Yes like a beautiful painting.  The view from the Balcony was peaceful, until the sort of heavy guy sauntered by in his white shorts and blue t shirt.  Flip flops too.  Looked out of place compared to the rest of the scene.  Well, that is what the walk is for and he was really enjoying it, good !! The air seemed fresh and cool.  I wanted to stay a while.  I call it "getting getting a subject to write about". Sometime I just "feel" what I want to say.  Change of seasons do that to me.  I feel a little afraid or unsettled, although it is just a change.  

I do like October.  The month my second was born.  I  had a few miles under my belt and felt ready for another little girl to add to the first.  She was and has always been a Joy and a challenge.  Smart and thoughtful and always a help to me.

Yes, I do know what month it still is.  Just always looking ahead,