May 30, 2014

70th ?????

Well, I am back from my 70th High School Reunion luncheon,  They said it would be our last one.  Sad.  It is uncertain the number who were in our class.  In 1944, the war was going on.  We had some graduated with us from the class before us.  Going to summer school to finish before they went to war.  Some got diplomas for joining the service.  Over 400 was counted.  294 have died and some unaccounted for.  So it is down to 50 at the reunion, with a few of that number were spouses.  So it really does not matter the number, as long as you still have the memories.  The food was great at the Jackson Country Club.  Everyone looked pretty good for 86 or 87.  I was not too embarrassed with my looks.  I looked as good as most.  The girl voted Most Beautiful was looking very good still.  I guess you have to start with the good genes.  Anyway, I am a little tired, emotionally.  The entertainment was a guy singing "oldies" of our times.  I enjoyed that.  Music was so important to us all during the war.  The songs had such meaning.  Pictures were made.  Northside Sun took some for the paper.  All in all---BIG Day.  So be it.

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Amy said...

who says it has to be your last?