August 14, 2016


I am enjoying the antics of the humming birds.  My neighbor gave me a feeder that is small and hangs on a wire that you put in a flower pot.  Neat! and it works.  They are keeping me busy filling it up real often.  One little guy has claimed it as his own and fights the others off.  I tried to explain to it that there are at least 6 feeders within sight of each other and there is no need to fight.  But instinct tells them that summer is coming to an end and they must fatten up for the migration.  Can you imagine those tiny little creatures flying so far south each year.?  And by the way it is a myth that they fly on the wings of other big birds for a free ride.  Although it sounds like a good idea?  I am happy to help fatten them up for the journey. 

I am better although I am still nursing my latest episode.  Lord please let me get over one before I have another.  Enough said about that.

Betty Boop

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