May 30, 2011


I overheard a sweet little lady saying to a cute little lady my size' "I enjoyed playing that new game BARBECUE. Puzzled she said Oh! you mean RUMMICUBE" go FIGURE how that game came out. You hear a lot in the halls.
Todat being Memorial Day we went all out. Flags everywhere and real barbecue. Outside our doors you can decorate. I put Truman's Navy picture and small flags, a red rose and A copy of ENGEBI. It was pretty.

Sweetly Be
Betty Boop


May 29, 2011

I am back

It has been a long time since I have wanted to write. So much has happened. I am trying to define a life without my love. In a way he is still with me. I kiss his pillow wvery night and morning. I go for a long time without thinking about him now. I have had so much to do. Taking care of business is not my style but I have to do it. Without Tommy,Jan.Amy.Mary G.Ed I would have been lost. Enough! i AM LIVING in an amazing place. Making friens and learning which ones to smile at and pass pass by. What a trip.

Much later

Betty Boop
Sweetly be
I'm coming back