December 31, 2020

61 at 7

 Reluctant to come inside.  I was a little early anyway.  To see  my world come awake was nice.  I heard geese come in earlier and sure enough they were feeding and swimming very quietly.  I think they have learned some good manners.  I saw the night guard patrolling, how good.  I saw the pool man spraying his heart out with his BIG sprayer  That pool is ready.  I saw one walker. after all it is early. I was taken back in time when I first moved here.  I just loved to hear the geese come in.  That sound stayed with me.  That was before I could sit outside each morning.  When Truman was still with us  and looking everywhere for me each day.  When they finally lucked up on the idea that he could get around on his own in the wheel chair, he was everywhere.  Some places he should not go-he was looking for DOT.  Yes he knew me till the end.  He did not have the ability for much conversation, but he wanted me with him.  Do you think he must have wondered, just what is going on?  Knowing him, I am sure he had questions.  Forgive me, he is on mind this morning. Blame the Geese!!


December 30, 2020

Ahhhh 55 degrees

 Breakfast was good. with oatmeal and stewed  apples, juice (for pills) whole orange, cheese garlic biscuit (very small) turkey bacon and coffee.  Kind of full, but satisfied. Saw clouds this morning and a story behind them.  0ne small cloud is the world  Another  large one is heaven.  Saw many clouds, I always read them.  Then there  were many small ones,  with what looked like small footprints coming from it-and walking toward a much larger cloud.  I can make a story, but it is obvious that  the small one is this world and foot prints lead to a better place?  O. K. enough of that.  We have something new to offer.  PING PONG.  Don't get to excited because I bet it will be like bowling on the big WEE TV.  That was very popular.  Any way it will keep us moving around.  They are expecting a crowd.  Two groups of 10. Two times a week!!  They know how to do things around here for sure.


December 29, 2020


46 sounds nice, but the fog has moved in and with it damp air.  Not to pleasant for Balcony.  My chair pads are damp anyway, so here I sit inside  again.  Switching to regular, everyday cups for coffee, does not upset me.  I can roll with changes with the best of them.  Some get upset over their favorite cup and fret about it-not me,  I have always been one to make the most of what I have and be happy with little surprises.  I pray a lot.  Don't need ritual and protocol.  Just a quiet moment and I am good and done.  That is where I am this morning.   Yesterday I finished taking down the decorations, even in the Hall table I keep going.  Winter scene with snow men and polar bears and white flowers.  Looks O. K.  Better next time.  I am running out of ideas and stuff.  Can't go to my favorite DOLLAR TREE and buy something new.  That is O. K. too.  People forget what I put out last year and we have new residents who have not seen my displays before.  I know I am rambling, but I have a lot on my plate this morning,  Better tomorrow, I always say.   BETTY BOOP

December 28, 2020

WOW!!!! 50 degrees ?

HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN  Shall I sing it?  50 is not bad-but so good.  The Balcony was calling, and I went.  The Lord  blessed us with many kinds of clouds,  mixed with the sun.  Mr.  Crow sat atop of the cross .  King of the air.  Enjoy it while you can, for it will not last.  We have to take the good with the not so good.  That is life.  I am drinking coffee from the last of the Christmas cups.  They are all in the dishwasher for the last time this year.  I will put them on the top shelf and bring out the old faithful everyday ones tomorrow.  Feels good to go back to the normal (as we know it now).  Some call it the NEW normal. At least I can dust the tables now.  Bitsy  says "thank you" to that.  Where does  all that dust come from?  Air tight as I am, I wonder.  The VIRUS is still marching on-it has touched us all.  I am thankful so far that it has not crept into Independent Living here.  

BETTY BOOP (better tomorrow) BOOP

December 27, 2020

CRAZY ?????

 I just could not stand it any longer, so I dressed as warm as I could, went on Balcony for a short while.  34 degrees and a beautiful morning.  I stayed till my last drop of coffee got cold.  That did not take long.  Yesterday I gathered the Christmas cards, I was happy to receive so many, and I will save them at least a year and go back from time to time.  First step to clearing out.  Then I took down the nativity in my room.  Cleared the tier table outside my door.  Today I will take the tree down and pack all those sweet old ornaments away.  The Hall table that I decorate will have to wait.  Can't come up with a new scene.  As I was working, I thought I am packing up something else this year.  Fear-worry-impatience--maybe bring out more trust, hope, and joy.  Sound like a good plan?  Well get to it and I will too.


December 26, 2020


French toast for breakfast.  This cold morning (27 here) I thought I would do it up right.  Of course not the real  French toast, but I have invented my diabetic version and am satisfied.  Add turkey bacon, a big fat Navel orange (for Christmas) and coffee--not bad at all.  They have a tray of fresh fruit on the food line as we pick our choices.  Apples, bananas, and very good oranges.  Take your pick.  I like any kind of fruit.  Christmas day passed quiet and unusual.  But I heard from all daughters and enjoyed them all.  I get restless after Christmas to take all this glorious clutter down.  Maybe I can just do a little at a time and make it last a while longer.  That urge came from having a live tree all the years we were married.  Truman would suggest a fake one sometime, but did not protest too much as we would go to the tree lot and pick out one together.  Can't remember taking a child with us.  I wonder why? No reason comes to mind.   They loved to decorate. We would get it so early that it started to shed early  
Just rambling this morning,

December 25, 2020


My Christmas breakfast was a treat.  JIMMY DEAN and I shared  a sausage English muffin with egg white and cheese.  and a juicy Navel orange, juice & coffee.  What a beautiful sunrise, brought hope for the day and the future. Oranges used to be a treat at Christmas.  As I would empty my old knee sock, nothing fancy then, I would always find an orange in the toe.  Always hard Christmas candy, nuts I only saw at Christmas.  Oh we had pecans and peanuts all the time, but Christmas brought kinds we did not have the year around.  Always a small toy or socks or fancy panties to my delight.  Some years' I am sure now it was a struggle to provide a Christmas for me.  I was the only child for 12 years, but those were hard times during the 30's.  But provide they did. I can't really remember wanting for anything. (except a bike, never had one)  Today is so different.  To each it's own.  I am again inside looking out at the day opening.  28 is just too cold for the Balcony.     Hope you all have a good day and I wish for a good year for all. BETTY BOOP

December 24, 2020

37 NO, NO!

 Christmas Eve. In the "old days" I would be busy.  I am talking real old days.  When we would go to my Mother's for Christmas Eve.  Children small and brother and his family would come.  Mama's small house never seemed too  crowded.  She fried chicken for us and many sides.  Something for everyone.   How she worked for that perfect time.  She always said it was her Christmas and she could do it all.  We have tried to carry on the tradition though she is not with us except in spirit.  So is Truman, brother and his wife are also no longer with us.  And now we can't even get together.  Thanks for the sweet memories and for all who are still with us.  We will do it again next year.


Betty Boop  

December 23, 2020


The weather people say 50 degrees, but It seems colder.  No sun and cloudy.  I think rain is predicted.  That is Mississippi weather as we are prone to declare.  Even with the usual three layers  I was cold.  Did not stay long, Bitsy was waiting at the sliding door.  She is looking for the sun too.  She gave it up for the light of a lamp.  Much warmth comes from them.  Wednesday is called "hump day" because it is in the middle.  Remember the funny commercial with the camel?  He walks through the office and declares it is hump day.?  I love the creativity of some of them.  One favorite this season,( they use it in some form every year) is the Hershey Kisses playing a tune and sort of dancing in place.  What is your favorite?  You can tell I have very little wisdom to share this morning.  So let's get on with the day and see what happens.


December 22, 2020


I watched 3 jets take off into the wild blue yonder.  Somebody is traveling.  My thoughts took off to the Army Air Force.  We used to sing on the 4th and Veterans Day all the songs of our Navy, Marines, Air Force and so on.  My did we love to do that.  Many veterans among us would get the thrill of remembering.  Days when they were young and brave and ready to take on the world.  What a thrill for our Choir to sing those songs.  Funny how the mind can take over and you are someplace else.  Good and not so good sometime.  A friend brought me a special treat.  Sausage Balls.  Love those things.  Good she only brought 4. for I would have eaten too many.  As it is--I only ate one and am saving  the rest for later. Now all I need is Cheese Straws.  Never satisfied.  Hey it is Christmas. I can wish.


December 21, 2020

37 cool but sun is shinning

Let's try this shade of green.  I wrapped up and went to the Balcony.  I saw ducks and watched them.  The leader seemed to give a signal and they all dove under.  A few seconds and up they popped.  Yeh!!  Breakfast of fresh fish or whatever is under there.  I think the leader was a scout and he located a find.  We do need leaders, or else we could flounder.  I wont get into politics.  Too depressing.  What would our forefathers think?  Of course no one could imagine all we are going through.  They had many problems too, and thank goodness for the foresight they had.  I just watched an amazing video of my great grandson's first year of life.  His mom and dad are amazing.  And so is he.  Hope to see him in person some day-till then, how wonderful it is to watch such an amazing show!!  Good start to my day.


December 20, 2020


Good to go-with long seersucker robe and  to top it off my long winter robe,  and gown of course,  tattered socks, and a smile on my face, with MY  cup-o-joe.  I can take it this morning.  I missed being out early every morning, before I start the day.  Before I mess up and do something wrong.  Although I have been know to mess up even before I set my feet on the floor.   The Lord graciously forgives  me even then.  Hey, oatmeal with my cooked apples, turkey bacon on a small garlic biscuit & the ever-loving coffee.  I heard Canada Geese, but could not spot them on the Lake.  I saw a mother duck leading her brood in a straight  line,. dad duck over to the side, protecting.  I hear the turtles are so large and are after small ducks.  Oh, my. Can't think of that.  I saw a couple come out to walk.  They turned and headed back inside. Not very brave.  Must go now.  BE BRAVE   BETTY BOOP 

December 19, 2020

37 no,no,no

 I was sure hoping for the 40's so I could go out at 7 this morning.  Not happening. Oh well, this tall cup with Santa dancing will taste good here at Computer Center.  New sightings of the Elf,  He was seen around the pool, with mermaid dolls!!!!  And he was smiling.  Next day he was propped up on a stool before the fireplace in the lobby.  Holding a long stick with a marsh mellow toward the fire.  Next, yesterday we had a display of ginger bread houses made by the people who decorated  them.   By the way they were truly works of art.  So pretty.  Anyway-there he was in the middle, sitting on a sign and reaching for a candy  from the roof of a house.  Naughty boy.!!  The sign said his name had been chosen by vote--- JINGLES is his name.  My vote, BUDDY, lost.  He is still Buddy to me.  I will look for him today,  this has been a fun thing. Go have some fun today.


December 18, 2020

29 Oh No!!

Let's heat it up by writing in RED,  I miss a fireplace.. Standing, siting,  laying on the floor (with one you love)  is another beautiful memory.  I remember one time, when the electricity went off and the heat was off. we made a bed on the floor in front of the fire and kept each other warm.  Now that is one for the Memory Bank. Everyone surely has a few to remember.  Cherish them-for they will serve you well someday. I know.  I live a great part of my time checking out memories.   I saw the Star in the east this morning.  You have to get up early to see it.  Always a good start to look to the heavens first thing in the morning.  Hey, here comes the sun.  Let's go find the Elf-on-the shelf .  He was in the dinning room yesterday.  Had to have a little lunch I guess.



December 17, 2020

36 and cold.

The Elf on the shelve has been seen is various places around the Halls of SCV!!! I saw him yesterday sitting in a chair by the Library, reading a book. He has been here a few days, delighting us.  There is a contest going on to give him a name.  The choices are: BUDDY, DASH, JINGLES or WINK.  I voted for BUDDY.  We will see.  I will be on the lookout for him today.  How childish and funny.  Those Activity people are doing such a great job of trying to keep us happy and satisfied.  So much effort and creativity!!  Something for everyone.  Most people are really trying to make the most of it.  Gifts of cards and little "happies" are appearing at our doors.  Thank goodness for friends. 

MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY TODAY-It will make you happy too.  BETTY  

December 16, 2020


HAVE YOU READ ANY OF NICHOLAS SPARKS books?  I found one I had not read and it was a thriller!!  THE GUARDIAN.  I have read several books by him and this one kept me on edge.  It  was different from his others.  I stayed up a little late to finish it.  It is a wonder I could sleep.  Turned out o. k. --almost.  Lost the dog, a great Dane,  that was a hero.  Sob, sob.  I think I will search the Library for another I have not read.  I thought I had read all we have.  This was donated recently. Pays to look on the old shelves and not always looking to the new shelf.  Could make a story about that.  LOOK TO THE OLD BECAUSE THE NEW IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST.  Oh, my. This virus is getting old, yet it stays on line for new too.  Sometime we must stay in the middle, where it is safe.  I read in the Bible- not to worry. but Lord, it is sometime hard. Cheers!!!  BETTY BOOP

December 15, 2020


I saw a very beautiful Christmas program on PBS  last night.  The Morman Tabernacle Choir in Utah.  I don't know when it was done, but I had not seen it before.  You  remember Richard Thomas of the WALTON'S  He did such a beautiful story and then the Christmas story from Luke.  My it was good.  The Choir was unbelievable as usual.  In our travels we went there and actually got to go in the 

I saw a beautiful Christmas program last night on PBS.  You remember Richard Thomas of the Waltons (JOHN BOY)?  He read a beautiful story and then the Christmas story from Luke. He did a perfect job of that.  And the choir sang many songs-I was moved to hear them.

In our travels, we went to Utah and visited the

tabernacle.   Only Mormans are allowed in the Temple, but visitors can go into the Tabernacle where the choir sings. {It was so beautiful and big.}  Our choir director  Shirly used to brag that we almost sounded as good as they did.  I do miss the Choir soooo  much.  I could not sing all that well, but I made a joyful noise!!  Music makes me happy.  I like so many kinds.    Hey, have you ever put raisins in your oatmeal?  Try it, you may like it.  I did.


December 14, 2020


Too cold at 7.  Maybe later.  I love the Hallmark movies at Christmas.  So sweet and you know they will turn out o.k.  Our very thoughtful library lady unpacks the many Christmas books each year and along with a few new ones.  I have read them all.  I think we need for things to turn out good and right these days, when so  much seem oh so wrong.  

HEY how about a SCV biscuit toasted for breakfast, add an egg-over- light, turkey bacon, juice and of course 2 cups of coffee.  Now that had a happy ending.  I will go with that.


December 13, 2020


I dragged my chair quietly into a sunny spot and braved it.  With bright sun to warm these old bones, it was great.  The parade was only one thus far.  Maybe later they all seem to say.  I looked at my favorite Cyprus tree across the Lake and it is still holding on to it's needles, while most of them are shedding.  I thought-like most of my many friends here, we are  are still " hanging on."  What is the difference in people?  Pride?  attitude? love of life?  Or  just plain lucky.  I am  sure there is more to it than that.        I am getting "happies" at my door.  What fun and how very blessed I am.

BETTY (hanging on" BOOP

December 12, 2020


What a  foggy morning.  Nice temps though.  I could not see the Lake and almost every ware   you looked was dense with fog.  The walkers have to wait this morning.  For some reason my Memory Bank came to mind.  It is full, but the fog has seeped in and covered some of my memories.  How sad, when I can only remember parts of each one.  For instance my first train trip, when I went to visit one of my favorite Aunts in  N. C.----  12 or 13 (can't remember the age), see what I mean.   I remember parts of that wonderful first experience -- but alas not all.  Kind of like fog.  The sun is out now and the fog it's self is going away.  I can again see the Lake, like my memory, it is still there, just hard to see.


December 11, 2020


 I was up early-- before sunrise.  I saw over the Chapel cross the star in the east.  Shinning so bright, I was excited to see it.  And you  have to wonder if it is the same star that shone so long ago?  I think so.  As the sun rose, the sky became full of every kind of cloud I could imagine.  No artist could capture the beautiful pink and blue. I could not enjoy a sight more striking.  I was  moved almost to tears.  As usual, I searched for little holes in the  clouds that I call windows to heaven.  I am sure Truman is peeking through and smiling at me.  Call me crazy, I am sure you do, but that is the thoughts I have.  O. K. enough preaching.  I tend to do that from time to time.   So have a good day and enjoy the blessings of the season.


December 10, 2020

37 but too early for sun

Reason?  Too early.  I have a appointment at ten and need to get everything done.  My cat and my breakfast must be taken care of.  Yearly check up with Dermatologist.  As you grow,  things like to grow on you.  Why is that? It takes me much longer to get ready to go anywhere.   Why is that?  I could write a book about that, but who would read it?  It is not new and it happens to everyone if you are lucky enough to live so long.  I just opened a door to a cabinet to look up a word and I watched Bitsy as she thought about crawling in for a nap or to read a book?  Decided it was too much trouble I guess.  She runs to every drawer or door to check it out.  Sometime she gets closed in and I have a hide-and-seek game with her.  Silly cat.  But a lot of work and she is worth it.  Most things are worth it that are a lot of work. Like me-I am sure a lot of trouble to my girls.  I am glad there are two of them here to share the load. Sure hope I am worth it.  Amy is tagged today to take me for this little trip.  Highlight--We will pick up lunch maybe at our favorite and take it home with us. Some day and soon I hope, we can eat in the BUBBLE !!  Now wont that be fun?


December 9, 2020

37 & sun--more like it!!!

 Yes, I can take it this morning.  Pulled a chair in the sun and enjoyed the beautiful morning.  MISS BIG HAT  came tripping by.  She has it right this morning.  With her beautiful white wooly jacket + hoodie attached.  She looked as if she was enjoying her walk.  The sky is blue peeking through the tall pines and Mr. Crow announced  he was king of the cross on top of the Chapel.  Arrogant guy.  Poor little sparrows are too small to protest.  There is a story in there, but I wont go there.  Our Activity committee is very active.  Every day something is new.  How creative can they get? Can't complain that there is nothing to do.  

SCV dinning kitchen makes garlic-cheese biscuits.  Small, but full of flavor.  I had one toasted this morning with breakfast.  So good. 

well this is National Wash Day for me.  I will wash clothes and  shampoo my hair, such a lot to do, I must go for now.


December 8, 2020

34 must bow out again

I know it will warm up, for here comes the sun.  Good old sun!!We sang a song in Choir-"THAT LUCKY OLD SUN, HAS NOTHING TO DO BUT ROME AROUND HEAVEN ALL DAY.  True.  But we humans don't have that option.  Or would we want it.  However it does sound like something I want someday.  I still have much to do.  Deliver the rest of my little "happy" gifts to some of my favorite SCV friends.  I think we are into the Christmas spirit. I have been gifted two "happies" already. Of course I had rather give than to get!!  A good old 3 minute egg was good this morning, along with turkey bacon, whole wheat toast, juice and coffee. I'LL TAKE THAT Must go-like the rabbit, I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm late. 


December 7, 2020

37 and sun--Wheeee

Kind of "nippy" but refreshing !!  Sparrows are tweeting.  What about?  They are on the cross on top of the Chapel. Enjoying it before the Crows spot them.  And the beat goes on.  Hey Josh Groban did a special on MPB last evening.  My he can sing.  Puts so much strength and passion into it.  Enjoyed it.  It seems a lot of entertainers are trying to entertain more.  I have already seen several specials.  Someone told me they like to read my breakfast choices every morning.  Well here goes this morning::Good old oatmeal with the perfect banana ,turkey bacon and half an English Muffin, juice and coffee (two cups).  One in house and second from a Christmas mug on the Balcony.  I gave my many collected mug away before I moved here-these have been collected from friends and closet sale.  This morning. a tall one with the man himself dancing.  How jolly can you get??  Let us try to  enjoy just one little "jolly" thing, just for today.  See what happens.


December 6, 2020


LAUGH if you will, for this is funny.  I was determined to come out on Balcony this beautiful Sunday morning.  Warmly wrapped and hot coffee, it was wonderful for a short while.  Clouds are beautiful.  The sun now rises over the cross over the Chapel, except the sun is hidden by clouds.  I know it is there, and will be a sunny day.  I saw one lone duck making a V-shaped stream behind him as he swam up lake.  Where is everyone?  I am drinking coffee from a Christmas cup with Santa putting out toys under the Tree for Santa. I loved doing that.  The excitement was almost too much, to see little girls discover their wants and surprises too.  Something magical about it.  Hard to get them to eat nothing but treats from their stockings instead of breakfast.  I am sure we broke that rule.  I did not have a fancy stocking like kids have now when I was a little girl.  Mine was one of my ugly knee socks that I wore in the winter.  Never mind, IT looked good to me,  An orange in the toe, strange nuts we only saw at Christmas, hard candy and I forget what else.  Always magical to explore new things we only had at Christmas.  Oh, yes always raisins on their stems.  Ever seen those. Ahh memories, how they linger and fade at the same time.


December 5, 2020

33 and frost * sun

From the desk of THE DOT SPOT:  No Balcony when it is in the 30's.  Even though  inviting and sun out, it is  just too cold.  Big frost.  Meadow looks like the Geese could slide in the snow.  Except I  don't see them this morning.  Cuddled  in the nest I hope.  But it does look pretty.  Seems the weekend coms around quick.  I  am busy.  I have to watch Bitsy with the tree.  She wants to chew the artificial needles.  That would never do.  If she does not stop, I will have to take it down.  Can't have an emergency with her.  I just checked on her and she is taking a sun /and body bath.  Good!! nothing like a sweet smelling kitty.  Seem to be rambling this morning.  Want to  hear what I had for breakfast?  SCV makes good biscuits.  I had one split with cheddar cheese toasted in broiler.  Sliced orange, turkey bacon, juice and coffee. All right!! I will call it for this morning.  Have a blessed day.!!!!!

Betty Boop

December 4, 2020

44 and damp

Not a good combo.  Nor even hot coffee could lure me this morning.  My day will be full and fun and will put me in past memories.  I will drag out the very little Christmas tree and decorate. My many .  treasured ornaments will come out with sweet memories. I just don't have the space to do as I used to.  Not sad, just glad to be here at SCV where they have been wonderful to decorate so beautifully.  

I had a wonderful  breakfast.  Best egg-in-hole I ever cooked.  Just perfect with turkey bacon, sliced orange, coffee and juice.  Make you hungry?  Have you been watching the Xmas specials on TV? NBC has had some good ones.  Hope to see JOSH  tonight.  Silly me, I have a crush on him and Michael Buble',  


December 3, 2020

45 did not sound too cold, but''''''''''''''

Yes, their sits that crazy old girl from 2313.  She sits there every day sipping coffee.  Indeed, I must be a sight.  Sitting in all kinds of weather in a tattered old robe and those old, old knee socks and sipping coffee from yet another Christmas coffee cup.  Looking to the clouds for some meaning for the day.  The clouds were strange this morning.  Many little pockets of white and lots of big dark ones.  Maybe rain today.  I  did get chilled and had to give it up.  My cleaning lady comes today--so I must clean up a bit.  I have bits of on going projects going on.  My tree ornaments are waiting for the tree to come out from my storage cage, my tissue flowers and cards are waiting to be assembled. Those things take up a bit of room and I must decorate the tree before I pack the boxes and get them back to the cage. Now don't tell me I have nothing to do.  So I will bid you a good day and go on with mine,


December 2, 2020

30 is still too cold on Balcony

 I found a way to be out there!!!  I saw the sun shinning through my sliding door and said AHA!!! I pulled a chair up close and surprised Bitsy by sitting on her side and looking out.  She still is wondering why.  I had a perfect view of the Lake and the whole nine yards.  Yes the frost was there, but the sun will take care of that soon.  I  was surprised to see MISS BIG HAT.  Although at 30 degrees, that girl has to walk. Good for her.  Well as the song goes, "it is getting to look a lot like Christmas here."  All the usual beautiful outdoor lights are on.  They outdid themselves  this year.  The tall tree in the lobby is being decorated again.  So pretty.  I saw one going up in the Activity room too.  Many, many doors to apartments are looking festive too.  Mine included.  I plan to put up my "little" tree this week too.  Soon I will deliver the Christmas card decorated with my signature flower in red this year.  In it I will put a package of hot apple cider.  Hope they like it.  Not as much as usual, but still with love for my friends here.  So HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS too.

BETTY (getting in the mood") BOOP

December 1, 2020


Red to keep you warm, at 27 degrees you will need more than that.  Sun looks great but it will fool you.  I went out briefly to uncover my plants and decided even I could not take it.  There was a light frost and the Meadow was covered.  Gone is the green grass for a while.  What will the Canada Geese eat now?    My Christmas coffee cup  is dancing with Santa's.  Bought it at the closet sale one year.  It is tall and slender for a coffee cup.  Looks elegant in shape and size, but playful with Santa dancing.  I am a little miffed with myself.  I was so excited yesterday to bring back a serving of fresh strawberries from the dinning room. Planning to add them to my oatmeal this morning.  Banana was not ripe enough so I looked forward to strawberries. Forgot them and had to improvised a new topping of chopped pecans and raisins.  When I opened the fridge to get milk--there were the strawberries.  O. K. they will be good later, maybe with sugar-free ice cream.  I created a  new topping for my oatmeal--I am very creative  in the morning.  Does that make me a morning person?  Not really !!!

By the way, Betsy is basking in the sun spots, don't blame her.