June 30, 2021

77 degrees at 8

With a slight breeze at 77 = not bad at all.  Where are the walkers?  Bert showed up, alone.  She may be nesting?  Hope so.  I would like to see how small their babies are.  But I am glad to see him anyway.  Maybe he will take a crumb to her?  He flew away with one.  Well,  a ripe peach was good on oatmeal this morning.  Made by me. plus a biscuit with turkey bacon.  I realize I spend a time planning my meals.  That is o. k.  Yesterday was my youngest  daughter's birthday.  Tradition calls for other  local  sister and me taking her for lunch.  Instead J. picked up from Amerigo's (our favorite) Guess what we had for dessert?  Another favorite--TIRAMISU!! I  had a very small piece.  Cost me a little spike in sugar reading, but it was worth it.  They serve the best I have had.  Just to spend an afternoon just talking was fun==we wished for the other link in my circle of sweet daughters, Linda.   Also Truman who sometimes  joined us for their birthday lunch.  

SO BE IT (memory bank again)  


June 29, 2021


 I almost hope the deck workers take a day off for their safety.  Don't like to see them get so hot.  I notice they drink a lot of water. Good for them.  Well it so happens, it is hard to close the doors to the MEMORY BANK after all.  Should have known better.  As rich as MY "account " is, it would be hard to forget.  Yesterday as I decided to play a little music on CD.  I have a rather old one called 1946. That is the year of my courtship and marriage.  Many songs were uplifting right after the WW11.  Some sweet and sad and some full of hope.  I loved them all.  As I listened-GOOD NIGHT IRENE came on.  Brought back early day of our marriage, when we had our first apartment across the street from Truman's brother Cecil and Irene.  Irene was like a welcomed sister to me.  I loved her.  She taught me many new things, as a new bride.  I bet she got tired of me walking home from work with her as we trudged up to  old Northview Drive to our homes.  She would always invite me in for coffee as she washed her nurse stockings for the next day.  I thought she was very special to be a Nurse and confidant to me.  So many happy memories as we went through life and family together.  Later retired years we traveled in RV's all over the country and had such good times.  How can I close the door to those days?  I can't and wont.

BETTY (traveling today) BOOP

June 28, 2021

CLOUDY 77 AT 7tell abut

 Clouds and a small breeze kept it tolerable. Bert the Sparrow and his mate, I am calling Beatrice. paraded before my sliding door to Balcony as I ate breakfast. When I went out to drink coffee, I carried  Rye toast crumbs and wheat cracker crumbs to them. They came, though she is a little shy.  In flew "Chatty Cathy". Sat on edge and ruffled her feathers and broke into song. Of course the song was "You All Come To Breakfast"  And they heard and came.  So much for the peace and quite I am used to.  Glad to feed the pack.

I heard a rumor the THE MEMORY BANK was thinking of closing.  Getting too full.  And another rumor that a new Bank called THE NEW TODAY BANK was looking to open instead.  It seems the old one has documents that are old, curled at edges and frankly getting just getting tiresome.  New memories are being checked in and must be preserved too.  I still go to the door of old bank and ask for special little glimpses of the past.  But I will keep them to myself and try to live in the present more.  That is a good thing.

BETTY(out with old-in with new) BOOP   

June 27, 2021

77 AT 8

 Red is for hot !!!!. Yes early for that.  So my stay was short on Balcony.  Slept late anyway.  I cant seem to catch up since the Beach Week.  Sunday is just not the same.  When you grow up in a family of dedicated Church goers, it is ingrained to go to Church on Sunday.  I miss it.  But it would still feel strange to go.  Cant explain that feeling, but it is there. So much is different since Covid,  I hear it all the time from everyone.  So I talk about food.  Yesterday I cooked for myself!!  Amy brought me squash and I made my cornbread.  No sugar for me.  And my, my, that watermelon was great, as well as a few other goodies. I would like some boiled okra (small size please).  Southern Old Girl for sure.  But modern day treats are good too.  For instance--Sabra's ROASTED PINE NUT HUMMUS.  Amy brings little surprises with my groceries.  She is good at that.  Thank you baby girl------  "girls" including All the girls in my family are "TOP OF THE HEAP",,  so to speak in funny language. 

BETTY(time to stop) BOOP     

June 26, 2021


Sizzling already.  But I must get my Balcony fix early.  Bert watched me from next balcony over.  Kept flying away.  Don't be afraid little one, I have cracker crumbs again.  They cleaned them up yesterday.  He will be back I am sure.  I saw  TALL MAN IN BLUE , LADY IN WHITE, and I got hot before any more came.  My new deck around the pool is going slow.  These three man are really working, but it is a big, hot job.  Hope they take the  weekend off.  It is hard not to watch, and what can I do to help? 

THE THREE FOR THE ROAD band was a little disappointing.  Music from the 60's and 70's was not my favorite.  We had two men who are residents, dance with several different women,  Now I loved seeing them.   I was never much of a dancer.  Wanted to, but Mama frowned on it.  Said it would not look right for a daughter of a Sunday School teacher to go to places where we had to dance in those days.  So ,I was a little shy anyway. SO  BE IT.  I do love music of all kinds and I do enjoy all kinds of music.  So getting  to go hear the performance did me good.  

BETTY (looking to be entertained) BOOP    

June 25, 2021

HOT 76 so early.

Well, June in the South is summer time.  Bert the resident sparrow, is surprised this morning.  Stale crackers will not be so good. Cracker crumbs!!  UH!! He brought ERNIE  and the rest of the gang yesterday.  Crackers will  have to do, I am not giving them any of my Cyber biscuit this morning.  I also bought a sausage biscuit for tomorrow breakfast-which I will pare with a soft boiled egg-hence no cooking Sunday morning.  Enough food talk.  We were entertained yesterday by two very talented ladies from Brandon.  They have been doing this for fun, I understand for a while.  They did Minnie Pearl, remember her and her famous hat with tag still on it?  Famous Dolly Parton.  And Loretta Lynn, country singers.  Weather you are a fan of these talented country ladies or not-  these two local ladies did a great job of entertaining us.  We are starved for a little silly laughter.  So good of them to come.  Today another show!  THREE FOR THE ROAD. Local band.  Don't know their names, or never heard of them.  But I am sure going  to find out today at 2:30.  Music is always fun to me.  We need all kinds, so bring it on.  I am not at all picky!! What is the need for that?  It takes talent to just perform-whatever.

BETTY (tell you later) BOOP

June 24, 2021


Did not see him this morning yet.  Need to call him by name. Of course silence is the name of the game between us.  I put out Rye toast crumbs and I am sure he will be by later.  The Lake is calm and smooth.  Along came a gaggle of Canada geese , I counted 25,, and they were very quiet and floating smoothly.  One walker.  I guess the clouds are keeping them in this morning. I am looking at  the new project below.  Been needed a while.  Covid  halted a lot of work.  They are replacing the old deck around the pool area and down the way toward the Activity room.  I felt for those 3 men who worked in the heat yesterday. Should take a few more days to finish.  

Good old oatmeal with bananas and cinnamon, plus turkey bacon and rye toast was a good healthy breakfast.  I am looking forward to the entertainment this afternoon.  Tell about it tomorrow.  

BETTY (still hanging in there) BOOP

June 23, 2021


I feel like a Spy sometime, when I observe people when they don't know I am looking.  I am not hiding, just looking.  I saw lady with her two sweet cockers.  One always pulls to come on the grass below me.  She releases it and away she runs to find her "spot". Done with the job and lady rushes in to leash her and to pick up the deposit she leaves--in a poop bag.  Done and done, they go merrily on their way.  Next a lady with her hands holding her hips.  Problem there.  Then a man walking with purpose.  I turned my attention to a balcony below, where a lady came out, inspected her flowers and sat down and bowed her head as in prayer or meditation.  Stayed a few moments, got up and gazed over the Lake.  Then, it seems, satisfied, she went back inside.  So the many different people, I saw, had different things on their mind.  I will never know what, or is it any of my business?  Just curious I guess.  Hey,-different note:  Had a wonderful Cyber breakfast.  Two eggs over-light, sausage,  Rye toast. coffee and a fresh orange from my own kitchen fruit bowl.  MMMM good. 

BETTY (on the job) BOOP  

June 22, 2021

OH MY--70 degrees?

What a nice surprise.  The Balcony was so pleasant.  I had strawberries on my oatmeal.  So good.  Rye toast and turkey bacon also.  

Getting back in the groove I guess.  Not a bad thing.  I did not realize how much the trip took out of me.  Good as it was, I realized how tired I am, when I just can't snap back as fast as I used to.  And I am still glad I got to go.  I have been sleeping more and just not getting things done so fast as usual.  But it was worth every bit of the after affects.  Not 30 anymore--or 40,50,60,70,80===   but 94.  Wow!!  Surprises me too. I must stop talking about the trip--on to something else.  My little sparrow (I call him mine) was back looking for his rye toast crumbs.  I know we have a rule not to feed the birds on your Balcony. but I hide it behind a flower pot and no one see it.  I doubt if anyone is looking, but I get away with just a few crumbs.  They are gone so fast, and can not attract ants or any other creatures. Think that  little black snake from the tree could also climb the three stories to my Balcony? Not for Rye toast crumbs (I hope.)  On a silly note,  I am leaving you now.

BETTY  (trying to entertain) BOOP

P.S.  I am looking for a name for my sparrow friend--any suggestions? Everything needs a name according to DOT.



June 21, 2021


Why purple?  No real reason.  What foods are purple?  Eggplant, Nehi Soda(loved that one).Remember Delaware Punch? Not many foods are purple. So here's to purple.  Let's declare it PURPLE DAY. Being silly this morning.  Had to go pick up breakfast in Cyber. Since we are on sort of lock down.  I am real disappointed in that.  One case of covid and we are put on lockdown.  Wearing mask and being careful again.  Hope it is stopped before it spreads. So I had to bring it home to eat. Some cases in Marion Hall too. All affected got the shot.  Go figure that out. When I picked up breakfast at the Cyber this morning, I got one scrambled egg, bacon, one pancake (only ate half of it because it was so big.  Did I look that hungry?  I just can't eat as much as I used to=so loss of weight.  Does that tell overweight people something? Nice  to be able to eat right.  I worry about what I eat all the time. What a pain when you go on vacation and all the temptations are there. But it is not all about food.  The family is the center. Still thinking about the week with them all. Missed several this year, hope they know they were missed.
BETTY (still remembering)BOOP  


June 20, 2021


Blue of the ocean to green green, grass of home.  Contrast for sure, but never the less beautiful in it's own way.  I am glad I got to experience the Blue again.  My little resident  sparrow who looks forward to my toast crumbs every morning, was there looking this morning.  Hello.  The Pelicans had a route just over our balcony --back and forth each day, so big and beautiful. as they made their trip each day.  Linda and M. G. were good at spotting  pods of dolphins each day, as they made their way up and down the coast.  They both loved seeing them.  Many picked up shells-they also saw  sand sculptures (man made.)  I remember one we made one year.  Truman started it and soon had a bevy of helpers.  It was big and great too.  My, my, I have come down off my high horse when it comes to food.  Can't enjoy that too long.  My juice, toast and coffee was my breakfast this morning.  But I did enjoy all the fresh seafood we had.  Only "our family cooks" can make so much happen.   I am amazed every time.   I am also happy with all our children.  No crying, fussing and generally getting along.  Since they don't get to see each other often and with all ages, it is amazing how well it went.  So the memories go on, and I am not ready to deposit them in the Memory Bank, just yet, but soon they will be safe and ready at a moment's notice to renew and enjoy the 2021 BEACH WEEK. Thank you Lord  for blessings.

BETTY (just remembering) BOOP


June 19, 2021


Thank you Lord.  What a week!!  We had to cut it one day short because of a tropical storm arriving.  It was a good decision to hurry out before the rain would have made it difficult to leave Saturday.  We were lucky to have the many beautiful weather days we had.  Lot of bonding went on. Between old and new. large and small. My how wonderful and amazing it was. Working together to produce a successful week of fun, food, sleep, sunshine, water, beach, sand, just hanging out, reflection, remembering, making new memories--from the oldest to the youngest, and all in between, I think it was a great time.  No other family could have done it better.  Truman and Jan had the first dream over 30 years ago to bring our  family on  vacation,  on that first long weekend --which lead to a week of achieving their dream of "keeping our family closer together."  We all have jumped on it to make it happen.  Takes plenty planning, patience,  and love and respect for each other.  We are champs of all this.  Not every family I know can do this as well as we do.  I am so glad I decided to go.  My family really spoiled me.  I loved it all and a big THANK YOU is just not enough to say.!!!  SO BE IT. 

BETTY(just resting now) BOOP

June 12, 2021


It has finally arrived.  Long time coming.  I am packed to the hilt and could not sleep through the night.  I have packed and packed and checked the list many times.  I have traveled a lot in my time, in many ways, but this trip has been the most thought out of all.  If I have forgotten ANY THING  well, just do without, cause  time is running out.  I am being picked up at 10 o'clock.  Will talk about the trip later as it unfolds.  No computer to record, so I hope I can make a good Blog later.  Wish us luck and send prayers for a safe trip and see you soon.

BETTY (sleepy now) BOOP 

June 11, 2021


Can you really capture it in a bottle?  One of my hand soaps says you can.  What does a sea breeze smell like?  Try to describe it.  Can't be done.  Nothing like letting your hair go it's own way and turn your face to the sea breeze.   I can't  tell you how I feel but why not try it for yourself.  O, K, here we go.  Saturday is the day.  The rain seems to be gone for now.  Of course rain on the Beach is different from just everyday rain.  It blows in with a mighty force sometime and when it leaves, the sun looks so happy to  bring beautiful sunsets.  Also the morning breaking is a sight to behold and to put in the Memory Bank for check out later.  I guess I missed my calling as a Weather Girl, as the weather says so much to me.  I guess I would get carried away in my poetic way and sound kind of silly?  But I do appreciate the beauty of this world, even with it's many flaws (mostly brought on by man) and appreciate it.  And the Beach is high on the list of beauties.  Come on now, get to work and let's go see it again.  

BETTY (high hopes) BOOP

June 10, 2021


 Wet and threat of more rain.  Get out of the Gulf for Beach Week.  I had breakfast in Cyber.  Two scrambled eggs, bacon  (real) ,toasted biscuit, & coffee  too.  A strange lady got my favorite two person table.  Did not know her,  Oh well, It was still good.  I never ask to sit with anyone or them with me.  I like alone.  Even Truman and I did not speak at breakfast.  Just a habit.  Brought second cup to the Bubble, since it was wet on my Balcony.  The mowers were out, even though it was wet.  Two of them were being fast to beat the rain.  Even a man with his ever-loving trimmer.  My he loves that thing. The Canada Geese were huddled in the middle of lake waiting to go feed on the new cut grass.  I am trying to check off my Beach list.  My it takes a lot for me these days, But it will be worth it and after all==what else do I have to do?  Something funny happened yesterday.  My neighbor, Barbara M. said she and husband spied a snake in the small tree below their Balcony.  Called Security, who called Maintenance, They surveyed the problem. They said, ", It is a snake, alright." 2-3 feet long, black and about as big around as a pencil.  They said "yep!! it is a snake."  (YOU THINK ?)  "Also not harmful, in fact a good thing ==as it will kill mice and other rodents."  Oh!   Boy!!  End of tale.  I have looked and looked, and I can not find it.  All  the attention it got, I guess it is hiding.  Stay that way, please. 


June 9, 2021


Remember  my little fun plant A, brought me called Frizzle Sizzle? It  loves the heat and has doubled in size.  Does not bloom--just DAZZLES.  None of the blooming ones are doing well.  Blame it on COVID.  We blame a lot on that.  But things are better and Of To The Beach we go.  Those amazing cooks of this family are working their magic    already and planning  surprises  and old favorites too.

Food is the center and all around it, talking, laughing, (sometime crying) reading, swimming, beach walking, puzzles and games  (NO TV) and just whatever you please, as long as  you don't "step on any ones toes"  Know what I mean?  Respect for others,  of course.   



June 8, 2021


They came to visit yesterday.  Bringing their Nana and Mom with them.  What a delightful time we had.  Full of energy, talking, smiles, questions, stories, plans for Beach. and generally pouring life onto my apartment.  I really loved it.  They are beautiful children and I am proud to know them and am proud of their parents and grandparents.  The kids are a product of a happy home.  

I have much to do today, as I have come off the fence and decided to  take a chance on a great get-a-way with the whole family to our annual BEACH week.  Much thought and prayer and deciding has gone into this decision.  I came to it this morning and hope for the best.  How can I loose? With my accepting all the help I will get from everybody, I will do my best and let God do the rest.

BETTY (so be it) BOOP

June 7, 2021


We have Royals in our family too.  All our babies are Royal.  I get to visit with 3 this afternoon.  Now yesterday, I had Royals to visit.  Even brought lunch (MR. CHEN'S)  .  MG , R, and A came and we had lunch in the Bubble.  How Royal is that? 

It is good for me to wake early, just push myself and go to the Cyber for my favorite breakfast.  Not only  is that Royal, but am treated Royal by those two "girls"  who take my order and cook and serve it fit for a Queen.  Saw Mr. Grumpy, I let him off the hook this morning as he looked too grumpy to speak,  Met a man ordering pancakes for himself and wife--because she woke up wanting pancakes, how sweet.  I met a "mass" of Catholics going to Mass (pun intended.)  Also met a new resident, who moved here a week ago.  I made her feel welcome.  So a little activity this morning. That is good.  AND ROYAL



June 6, 2021


Well you are in luck.  That is what we have for today.  I read in two devotional books each day. One is the Methodist-THE UPPER ROOM and the other is GUIDEPOST.  This morning both spoke to me. with the scripture.  May I share?  Someday it will fit you too.  Proverbs: 16: 31.  "Long life is the reward 0f the righteous, grey hair is a glorious crown."  And Psalm 71:18--" And now that I am old and grey, don't forsake me. Give me time to tell this generation and (their children too) about all your mighty miracles."  Don't know if I have ever done that, except that I am a living miracle to be still "hanging."  But I think I was meant to live by example and I hope in a small way I have. End of sermon.  Just felt the need to say it.



June 5, 2021


Well not really.  But close. I speak of my breakfast.  I thought of French Toast--Diabetic Style.  Is there any other for me?  This thing I live with is my burden and many others too. It depends on how you look at it, if you can survive.  I choose to deal with the diet the best I can.  I have converted favorites to where I can eat them or just skip them altogether.  Since breakfast is my favorite, French toast is pretty good my way.  Of course whole wheat bread dipped in beaten egg and skim milk is first step.  Fry in Pam- sprayed non stick skillet. (PIONEER WOMAN), top with sugar-free syrup and no powdered sugar on top.  Along with Turkey bacon, ever-loving coffee. And a fresh orange.  And a cup on the Balcony. Not bad at all.  

I did not stay long, as it it is getting hot fast.  I feel sorry for you if you did not enjoy a good breakfast.  It is  my answer of the way to start the day.

BETTY (giving advice this morning) BOOP

P. S. If you wonder why I spray a non- stick pan?  PIONEER WOMAN is not all it claims==SO- BE-IT!!!  



June 4, 2021


Went to bed last night and expected to eat breakfast in Cyber.  But I woke feeling sluggish and decided not to go.  But then a little voice said "Get up and go while you still can move."  O. K. "let's go."  I can't keep getting rid of all the fun things I have done over the years here.  Breakfast is my favorite meal and Cyber girls do it up right for me.  So I will hold on to some of the things I still enjoy.  When they asked-"your usual" I said no, lets shake it up a bit.  I ordered two scrambled  eggs,  bacon and a biscuit split and toasted on the grill, and of course coffee.  It arrived hot and perfect.  I was the only one to dine.  Unless you count this one grumpy old fellow, who ordered his to go.  I have a hard time getting him to speak to me,  but I still try.  Not many like him here, (thank the Lord)  and I kind of feel sorry for him.  On the other hand one of my neighbors, the one who fishes,  is an early riser and we laugh, as we cross in the hall, that we wake SCV up each morning.  I think there is a group of men who drink coffee in the Activity Room each morning, as I used to when I went to the exercise class.  I then took something that I baked each time.  Oh, those were the days.  Many of those ladies have moved on.  But here I am-still a tough old bird I guess.



June 3, 2021


Kind of hot already on Balcony.  Birds seem to like it or they are happy about something.  All this chirping means something among the Bird World.  I think there is a gossip among the group.  It has lots to tell.  It will be a hot day today.  I think it is a stay in day.  My maid is coming to clean up my mess, but I have to "clean up" a little before she comes.  Don't believe she wants to see what a messy one I am. I bet the maids laugh among themselves.  I realize I have too much "stuff."  How does one get rid of it.  I have heard others say they will leave it to their children some day to clean it out and throw it away. That way it wont hurt so much.  Who would be excited to keep all these old treasures?  After all, everyone has their own.  Oh, my,  how I rant on.  Better stop before I bore you again.


June 2, 2021


I woke from a good night's sleep and said to myself "This is the day the Lord hath made:  Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Good way to start your day?  I said to myself, go to the Cyber this morning.  And I did.  Oh boy, Tiff. made me two perfect eggs "over light", sausage, Rye toast and coffee Cyber style--good.  They always are full of smiles and "how are you's"  and make you feel good.  I saw several men--no old girls.  I guess they take longer to wake and get presentable in the morning than men do.  I brought my second cup-o-joe to my Balcony.  It is 73 degrees and getting warmer.  A  gaggle of geese floated by and went ashore on the Meadow side.  Started to feed on fresh green grass.  Lady With Two Dogs went by, after one stopped and ran up into the grass and did what she was taken out to do.  Her mistress rushed up with her poop bag and they were on their way in a flash.  I also saw MISS HANDS BEHIND HER BACK.  Where have you  been?  Long time no see.  I came in to write and then I plan to take my display down and add Beach stuff.  Getting in the mood to see the ocean, just once more.


June 1, 2021


As I sit down to write, I wonder why I even do it? I have always thought it was good for me to remember past and present too.  But when I read all the other people who write in their blog or posts or e-mail-  any way they express themselves, I do have such a little to say.  Always talking in the past about memories.  Nothing much new.  I am surprised anyone reads.  Such mundane and ordinary things that happen to me.  I think I am indeed on the other side looking in.  I am going to remove the little creatures from my hall table sometime today or tomorrow.  The Beach is going up next.  There you have the past again.  From the looks of the display case in the lobby, where it is Beach offerings, I realize how many here have experienced the  same memories I have, so nothing new there.  Our annual BEACH WEEK  is coming up.    Memories again.  We have been going as a family many years with almost every one and almost every year.  It is a record.  Not sure I am up to it.  We will  see.