October 31, 2022


Does the orange show up? My as I went to breakfast in Cyber, I was first greeted by Jasamine wearing her pretty face made up like a CAT, ears and whiskers to match. So cute, as she proudly showed me a picture of her cute little girl all dressed up. In came a lady for breakfast dressed in a huge covering of a pumpkin. Also, perfect. I strolled to the front desk after breakfast. All were dressed for the big Halloween party we are having this afternoon. One especially cute was a Mickey Mouse. Even our CEO had on a butterfly outfit with wings!! The staff are the best!!Like family to us. Can't wait for the party this afternoon. Makes me wish I had A's black funeral dress, which I have worn in a couple of plays in the past, plus Candy's perky little black hat with the tall feather, also worn by me. I have had a stressful, full several days and forgot about Halloween. Maybe it is meant to be, that I just sit back and observe? Somebody's got to have the job. 

BETTY (love to watch) BOOP

p. s. learn a lot that way.

October 30, 2022


Which is it?  Mr. PRESTO decided to go from sour to sweet this morning. I pondered why? and how? I have been giving him a good little rinse between his morning coffee making. But he has been a little on the sour side. Not exactly sweet. I like my coffee with no kind of sweetener, but a little cream. But for some reason Presto was perfect this morning. I guess lack of usefulness was his problem. All put back on the shelf with no purpose for living. All of a sudden, he was called to duty. Lesson here: Is that why some turn sour over the years. Nothing to do, no purpose? I think that is why our Activity Dept. is so busy and helpful. Always thinking up something to give us purpose and keep us sweet and not sour. Nobody likes a sourpuss!!I try to keep busy. Not as much as I was at first. Time marches on and I can't keep up the pace anymore. but I do what I can, even if it is a goal of the day, to be pleasant and welcoming to all I meet. So like Mr. Presto-SWEET-not-SOUR.

BETTY (easy to do) BOOP

p. s. try it~ ~~~ I just discovered this little swingle~~~~~~~~~~ cute?

October 29, 2022



Windy, cloudy, rain expected, and a feeling of heavy sadness hangs over. I hope the sun will peek out this morning at the perfect time. Could happen. When our plans are made clear, that they are not God's plan, we realize how small Man really is and how great is God's plan. Let us celebrate and be still and know that you are God. I try to live that way, sometimes it is hard. 

On a lighter note. I am using Mr. Presto and I am making friends with him. After all, we were friends in the distant past.  He is a pretty good old fellow and is making tasty coffee now. Kind of getting with the program, I think. Oh, just to keep you up to speed, I got a haircut yesterday. Now I am the image of the today's Rocker. Too short and sticks up in the wrong places. Kind of like the rest of me. Oh well, some of the girl rockers are kind of cute. I will go for that. After all it may grow a little.


p. s. eventually!!



October 28, 2022


 In Psalms 30, verse 5. the second part:" Tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning." That verse has meant many things to me from the first time I read it long ago. Today it is about a sweet one, who got her "wings" yesterday. She fought a hard battle, but with dignity, strength and always hope. She was truly a trooper. Rest in Peace sweet lady. 

BETTY (am very sad this morning.)

p. s. I am assured she is in the presence of God.   

October 27, 2022

44 on Balcony

Braved it. With my first time this Season to wear my warm and wooly robe my sweet Niece Karen gave me last season. It really felt good this morning, as I sipped my coffee made in Mr. Presto. He might be just too much trouble after all. He has so many parts to wash. He was made in the 50's when I guess with lack of Teknowledgy and maybe they wanted to impress. The more the better. Now the less and quick is better. Everything seems to be going that way. Can't help to wonder if we are missing something important? Who am I to question?

Observed many, many Canada Geese this morning, on my side of Lake in front of my Balcony. Several gaggles were having a meeting. Finished, they lifted in gaggles to the sound of their leader and took off, in each group with much-to-do. With their necks stretched long and high, they listened for the command of their leader. And away they lift, trying to see who can make the most noise. What a sight for humans to observe. Am glad I saw it this morning. Needed to know there is order in this old world and I know who is in charge. Do you?


p. s. slip deep sometime.

October 26, 2022


I am talking of GRITS this morning. Southern girl, and not too bright, I don't really know what is proper sometime. But being a Southerner, does it matter? I had grits in the Cyber. Don't keep them in my pantry anymore, when I can get an occasional cup in the Cyber in the cute little restaurant bowls of olden days. My Daddy used to bring left pieces of dishes from Restaurant's where he installed fixtures that he crafted from his work as a Cabinet Maker. He was good at his work. Those little bowls were priceless, since you could not buy restaurant crockery in those days. They served soup. and gravy and sauces in them--still do, I guess. I don't know how to address "grits". Do you say-them, those or what? My head is spinning--just give me some grits in a little crockery white bowl, hot with plenty of butter, and I will settle down and shut up. 

BETTY(it is still early) BOOP

p. s. just a lill' ole' southern girl!!

October 25, 2022


I am sad to say, Miss Gevia has retired. I tried to please her. Special praise, new boyfriend, much coddling, but to no avail. She really went out with flare. So dramatic. So, I resorted to Mr. Presto. Glad I saved him over the years. We bought him from the new Presto plant sometime in the 50's. Makes the hottest coffee ever. Cleaned him up and filled him with Kroger Breakfast Blend and he chuckled and sang and took off perking like he had never paused for so long. He is fast. Now he sits in the honored place, ready for service. Welcome Mr. Presto. Goodby Miss Gevia. You were trouble while you lasted, but my you are "cute! "You gave me material to write about.

Rain today and a "cold" front moves in. I like these changes in the seasons. They can be dramatic and unpredictable. (kind of like me.) 

Oh, I am sad with the loss of cute and sweet Leslie Jordan. My boys gave me his last album COMPANY COMMIN'. So good. Such a loss.

BETTY (off to a rocky start) BOOP

p. s. Mr. Presto helped. 


October 23, 2022


 O. K. it is Spring- like weather this morning. What do I put on this little body? My Dr's scale said I weigh 103 and some of my clothes just hang off the shoulders. Look kind of haggard. Hey, maybe an excuse to go shopping. I would like a sweatshirt that fits. Then I guess they are not supposed to really fit? May never need one again. as we seem to be headed for tropical weather here in the South. Climate change seems happening. To change the subject--got your Halloween costume ready? We are having a party and giving prize for the best one. I could go just as I am and be scary enough, lots of doors are decorated. Mine included. Many have the big-old-bowl of candy tempting me. Lordy, I love those Reese PeanutButter cups. And I would jump for joy for a Snicker Bar. But I will settle for one little Hershey Kiss. Dose not get better than a kiss.

BETTY (eat a little sugar) Boop

p. s. will sweeten you.

October 22, 2022


Travel has been a large part of my life. I have traveled by sea, air, bus, car. train, underground tunnels, but very warm memories are mine from when we traveled by our big old motor home- as a couple and with Irene and Cecil. This morning, as I sat on Balcony, I thought of the one we took up the middle of U. S. during Peake season of turning of the leaves. I am wondering what it is like this year as the leaves turn. You get to see so much from the window of you Motor Home. We did not travel fast, just below speed limit. That big old thing was safer that way. The many campgrounds we lived in and met people from other places, was interesting sometime. And other times, we were alone as we pleased. Good old days. when kids were doing good on their own, T. had retired, had things in order--what could be better.? Ahh, sweet memories.

BETTY (thrive on them) BOOP

p. s. come on back. NO.

October 21, 2022


I discovered yesterday, as I was trying to stay on track and get ready to go to Dr.'s visit. that I could not and should not hurry. But I don't know what or how but as I touched my face to put on makeup--blood was gushing from my THUMB. Grabbed a tissue and began to mop and put pressure on cut. Took a while to stop the blood... I used some old (I guess) band-aids that had lost the ability to stick.  I worked for a while to stop the cut from rushing. Seems to be o. k. now, but everything I touch or try to pick up, just does not work. Mr. Thumb is so important in everything I try to do, from dressing to cooking. So, here I go with a bandage from old band-aids, refusing to stick. I will buy some new today as I go to another Dr. appointment. Maybe she has one I can have.  Mr. Thumb is not very pretty, but oh, he is important!!

BETTY (where are you Truman, when I need you?) BOOP

p. s. living alone is hard.  

October 20, 2022

33 degrees

Mini winter. Will not last, so the weather girls say. Aren't they beautiful with their long blond locks curled so perfect? Can you imagine how many viewers I could attract? Short and sweet as I am? Dream on. I have forgotten how to wear high heels. We all have dreams of what might have been. But a weather person was certainly not one of mine. My dreams were to be a good wife, mother, grandmother. and great grandmother. I think I have achieved my goal. Maybe that does not sound like much. Not exciting?  But oh, it was and still is. Another thing I did not see in my future. Keeping all these Doctors working and happy. Why just this week, I am seeing two. So off I go to see my ear Dr. today and lunch with # 3 daughter. She is my designated driver for today.

BETTY (wish me luck) BOOP

p. s. she is a good driver.


October 19, 2022


Well, maybe you are ready, but I am not yet. 33 degrees and cloudy? Nope, will wait till I can bring out my long wooly robe that my very thoughtful Niece gave me last year. It is not only pretty, but very warm. So, for today, let us write and drink coffee here inside where I am toasty and warm. Nothing like a bowl of Old-Fashioned oatmeal with the ever-present bananas. Especially when they are just ripe and not too "over the hill" I also say a fond farewell to Trader Joe's coffee, as I dipped all but one last Tbs. of coffee grounds. I have one left and tomorrow I will blend it with KROGER BREAKFAST BLEND, TO EASE THE SHOCK. I thank you, (other Joe) for the two lbs. you gifted me. Hope I don't shock Madam Givia with plain old coffee. Silly me. I need to get out more. 

You know, this is just a teaser for winter. We will be back in 80's this weekend. What a roller coaster. So MISS LADY WHO WEARS SHORTS, here's to you. May you stay brave among these ageing, wrinkled old legs, that used to me smooth and beautiful. Oh, me, close this nonsense down and get on with the game. 

BETTY(coffee is going to my head)BOOP

p. s. I just might make a last cup with that last spoonful, no will wait. 


October 18, 2022


Did not tarry long on Balcony. So nice and breezy, but a little while went a long way. You know, I wondered what to write this morning. After that lumberjack of a breakfast, I just enjoyed in the Cyber, made me want to just go back to bed. Where is the energy? When I was growing up (did not quite make "up"), I was called by many nick named, Because I was small, there were a few to pick from. Peewee, Shorty, Grow Up, and one that I remembered for the first time in a while. SHORT-STOP. Crazy name. I was not even a sport fan and neither did I like to play sport games. Was required in school, but I was not good at any kind. Oh, yes, I was also called Little Bit. O. K., I am rambling. 

BETTY(bear with me) BOOP

p. s. because I am small

October 17, 2022


Change is on the way. Well, we asked for it. I overslept a little and when I woke at 7:30 instead of 6, I decided to fix my own breakfast and not go to the Cyber. As I cut the hole for my egg-in-hole, I sang ONE DAY AT A TIME. not as pretty as Crystal Gale, but close. For some reason, I guess I was feeling thankful that I could complete a task like breakfast. Now just think, what if my only option was to let someone else do it for me? Well, then, it would join the Memory Bank of my life. A simple task of fixing coffee and bacon, egg and toast is a blessing. I also added a small tomato as a surprise. O. J. (to swallow the many pills.) Also, a blessing. "Yesterday's gone, and tomorrow may never be mine. But just for today, Lord, help me to say ONE DAY AT A TIME." (As Loretta Lynn's sweet sister sang. I sound kind of pitiful? Not really, just off schedule. 

BETTY (feeling good) BOOP

p. s. wish I could sing.


October 16, 2022


As I sat down about 5:30 last evening to refill my mammoth pill boxes, the power suddenly went off. Enough light to finish the task, I thought it would pop right back on. But it did not. Even the telephone went off. Do you realize how many things depend on electricity? I found out. No elevator, no refrigerator, no TV, no clock except the wind-up mantel clock, (which I quickly made sure it was wound. I could go on and on. How to get down stairs with that rotator? Would the doors even open to outside. I went into panic mode. Of all things, I thought of the veggie soup I made and the fridge off. All in fane.  So Silly. I gathered all the candles and flash lights and hunkered down. Not knowing what was wrong. I finally made it to 9 o'clock and went to bed. No air, but thankfully it was not hot. The lights came back around midnight. I cranked the computer and found a message from management; the power was due to a failure in an computer. Power was off from Holmes Community College up through Sam's. So all is well. I  will have to clean up the mess I made with the candles and be thankful it did not last too long.

BETTY (back from Ftontier Days) BOOP

p. s. just like to read about those days.


October 15, 2022


Wow. The FOREVER YOUNG bash was outstanding. They outdid themself. Feel very special and pampered. From the Shrimp (big) Cocktail to the Caramel Vanilla Crunch cake == scrumptious. And everything in between was perfect. The decorations were pretty, and the entertainment was fun. All in all, we felt celebrated. I ate a small amount and no dessert. 

I am down to earth this morning-doing my laundry. So Be It. I paused this morning and was amazed at the showcase in the Lobby. It featured artwork by a few of our residents. They take classes in watercolor and acrylics. Wonderful and talented. Wish I could paint. My time to learn is over, as my fingers have lost some feeling and knuckles pop from time to time. Oh, well, missed the boat again.

BETTY (just as well) BOOP

p. s. probably was empty anyway.

October 14, 2022


The Activity ladies are throwing a big Bash for us who are over 90!!  It is done every year and I have been to a few. Sometimes they are very sad and dismal. But today, from what I can gather, it will be special. A special menu has been planned by our Chef and special decorations and much more!!  The theme is "Forever Young" That sounds a little intimidating. Our number in the 90's is growing. We are asked to wear Black or Gold. Now black suggest "gone" to me, while gold sounds "hard" and cold. Oh, well, I will go with the flow and see what it means. I am sure it will be lovely. 

I enjoyed the birds this morning, although I have   been missing droopy wing Simon. I am wondering what happened to him. Nature knows best, although it seems cruel sometime. Hope to see him soon.

BETTY (ready for a good day) BOOP

p. s. hope I can eat some of the special treat.

October 13, 2022


We really need more rain. Did you see how the Mississippi river at Vicksburg is having much trouble. Can't remember that before. My goodness do I remember the river on Sunday outings. It was like we had nowhere else to go in my younger days. A Sunday trip to the "berg" was a must. Over the hills and thru the woods, we would go. Of course, visit the Park and ride around down to the river. It was a mighty thing to see. Maybe an ice cream cone on the way home. Sometime with family, sometime with dates, and finally my sweet husband. Sweet memories, I hope it will rain soon and enough to bring OLD MAN RIVER UP AGAIN. 


p. s. dream on

October 12, 2022


As I sat on Balcony, a few drops are falling. Hope for more. I watched yesterday, a man in a big machine with a ladder to the roof, patiently removed a little pine tree that had sprouted in the gutter. He cleaned the trash from the gutter, I felt sorry for the little tree that chose the wrong spot to sprout and grow. I have seen a few to do this and they clog up the drain. So from time to time they must be cleaned. It also allowed the rain, as little as it is, to ping through. I listened as it did sound like music.

I broke down and ate breakfast in Cyber. I seem to need the event from time to time. Saw and talked to a few early risers and it was nice. I discovered they have Wheatberry bread. So, I ordered it toasted. It is so good toasted. Good start today.

BETTY (bloom where you are planted) BOOP

p. refuse to be pulled up.!!!


October 11, 2022


So many. They feed, one gives a signal, and off they go squawking soooo loud. Then another waits a short while and signal is sounded and away they go. I am afraid they are getting too bold, and discussion will be made to remove a few of them. Hope not. What could I then write about? Well, there is always MR. FUNNY FLOWERPOT HAT. He just walked by. So nice on the Balcony this morning. And funny.

Hey, there is something that is frustrating to me. Not funny.  I cannot Multitask anymore. Takes longer to get anything done. Very annoying. This getting older is getting old. Why can't I take a package of cracker crumbs in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other to the Balcony? No, I must open the door with both hands, go back and get the crackers, then go back and get the coffee. Whew!! Small things, but each has to be done alone. Guess I have the time, so relax and enjoy the walk, after all, I do need all the exercise I can get. 

BETTY (kind of silly this morning) BOOP

p. s. go ahead, be a little silly for today. 



October 10, 2022


No, not with music, but Canada Geese feasting on new mowed grass. So many are there. While on this side from the Balcony the Bluble' family of sparrows' feast on wholewheat toast crumbs. And I feast on the 55 degrees, while sipping my second cup-o-joe. Happy all around. Now you have the picture. Wish I could capture it in a poem, but I just can't seem to make poetry anymore. So Be It. 

Am at a loss as to what to do today. Dr.'s appointment was change to a later date, and I was all set to go fine out some answers. Again-So-Be-It.

BETTY(find another walk for today)

p. s. let it be!! 

October 9, 2022






SHINE ON THE ONE I LOVE. Did you see it last night? Full and bright. I knew it was time for it, but it startled me as I started to close the drapes. Beautiful. Did you sing that little song to your kids? I did, until they got embarrassed, as I sang it too long. Oh well it was not the only time I embarrassed them.  Will not be the last either. 

Small ducks, don't know what they are, swam all over, in different directions. Trying to get it together. Resident King Egret dinned on breakfast across the shallows, reflections of Willow and Cyprus were still and lovely. Nice and cool and only one walker. After all it is Sunday and walks are detained till later in day.   Well, I hope to go to Church. Depends on who is going. 

BETTY (look for moon tonight) BOOP

p. s. and think of your true love.

October 8, 2022


Usually there is something new. Things you may not look at. But to me I observe a lot. MR. FLOWERPOT HAT STROLLED BY, wearing a new hat. It was just the same style, but in a new color. Black instead of tan. Is it for Winter? I hope they come in more colors, and I will see maybe red or blue. TAMMY came right on his heels with her Tam-o-Shanty hat. She wears a red sweatshirt too. It was a nice morning to walk. I am enjoying the new pot of Mums. Yellow is so cheerful. Hot pink Geranium is at its peak as the birds dine on Rye toast crumbs underneath it's many blooms. Well here comes the sun, another beauty of a day. Good Fair weather. All without me. That is fine with me, as I have my memories of the Fair. Does anyone remember sawdust on the midway? I do. I remember the sounds of the Hawkers trying to lure into the side shows. I remember the Malones Taffy candy. I remember the displays of the 4H clubs, the Merry-go-round. The fear of the Ferris wheel, And the many places to sit down and eat, hot dogs, and hamburgers. And the Freak Shows!!  I remember and I am sure It is better in my mind than it really was. 


p. s. no let us just remember!!


October 7, 2022


If you have ever prepared breakfast in your robe, you know what I mean. Those winter type robes of course have long sleeves, often flared at the bottom of sleeve. Just waiting to hang on something. Mine glided sharply onto the handle of Miss Gevia, all freshly washed (thank goodness) and drying on a towel. She was rudely yanked to the tile floor and smashed to bits. Oh, no, how sad and what a mess. I did get it cleaned and remembered a spare Mr. Coffee carafe I saved. Would it fit? I gently slide him into place, filled with clear water, Ah Ha !! in he went. She pulled back a moment and then--perfect fit. I turned it on with a little water added to see if it would work. And it did.!!!   So now Mr. Coffee and Miss Givia are now joined in what I hope is a happy marriage. Not a happy start to the day, but it turned out good.

I had a good day yesterday as A. and I went to see my eye Dr. He said I was doing very well, and I was happy to be holding on. My pressure in both eyes were as good as could be expected after all they have been through. Cheered on, we had lunch at SAL & PHILS. Best BAKED GROUPER. Then to add icying on the cake Fresh Market had beautiful MUMS, yellow, I bought a big pot for my Balcony, plus 2 tiny pumpkins--white and orange. So cute at my door table. Made me happy. Thank you, daughter, # 3.

BETTY (all things beautiful) BOOP




October 6, 2022


First. As the sun rays covered the top of the "popcorn tree", the red of the few turning leaves took my breathe. So brilliant. Then, the Canada Geese swam by in rows, with one lagging and trying to catch up. He did not know if to try to race forward of back-paddle to catch the next "train". He caught up. One walker pranced by. My, this weather does wonders to their gait. 55n is perfect. I enjoyed my short stay. as I have an appointment with my eye Dr. It seems, October is Dr. month for me. Glad to know some very good and caring ones.

BETTY (someplace to go)BOOP


October 5, 2022


 Seems all my highlights relate to my health. Yesterday a Covid Booster. Last week flu shot. Today an early blood draw for appointment. for next week. Nice to go early since I had to fast, made it possible for Jan and I go have breakfast after. I took her to the EATS. A small diner that has been around forever. Best breakfast in town. Kind of like the Cyber. Nice waiter and good food. We really enjoyed the visit and the breakfast. I said I would not need lunch today. Just an afternoon snack and then dinner. Works for me. Now I need to go for a walk in the halls. Will do just that.

BETTY(keep walking)BOOP

p. s. get going !!! 

October 4, 2022


My time to go was 8-9:45. so I was THERE ON TIME AND SO WERE ALL THE OTHERS FROM A -L.  They really have this thing down-to-pat. (must look up that old saying sometime). Went well, as usual and now I will catch up. 

J. brought luscious strawberries yesterday. Made the oatmeal special.  I had O. J., coffee and Diet Cinnamon wholewheat toast, turkey bacon. I make the toast with wholewheat bread, cinnamon, and butter and TRIVIA. sugar sub. Pretty good. Another Highlight for today. CHANGE MY BED SHEETS.!!   Now, that seems like a small thing. But to me it is not easy to do, but well worth the effort, when you turn down the covers and smell fresh sheets, it is another small blessing. 

BETTY (just counting) BOOP

p. s. what else can I do?


October 3, 2022


Lovely day, yesterday. Kind of like old times. I just love my Granddaughters' home. She and husband are great host. It is a pleasure to roam the house and see all the exciting decor" Always something new and sometime "old." She really has an eye for finding interesting things. Always the food is good and creative and added touches from others make it perfect. I brought old pictures to view. For daughter # 2's birthday. They seem to enjoy that. 

Had breakfast in Cyber. Always a treat. No clean-up at home. Just service with a smile. Don't know what is for today. Just have to be surprised and entertained. This place with all its wonders, can be a ZOO sometime. Keeps me going.

BETTY (what keeps you going?) BOOP

p. s. not my blog for sure!!

October 2, 2022


I named her TAMMY. The lady wearing a Tam hat. She came swiftly by. I like her stride. Maybe it is the Tam? Mr. RAMROD STRAIGHT also marched by. Simon Buble' flies in to sit a while with me. Nobody from the Buble" Family came, so he left.????   HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my second born. What a sweet blessing she has always been. We will celebrate at lunch at granddaughter's home with more of family. Looking forward to that. Beautiful Fall Day, sun is shining and hope the sky is blue as October begins. October skies can be the bluest. 


October 1, 2022


I had lunch in dining room yesterday. First time in a while to actually sit in there and be waited on by friendly ladies. Was kind of nice. My tablemates were two neighbors and another dear friend. I was very aware of my neglected best table manners. I have been for so long, doing things that are not exactly pretty. Like sticking my finger in my mouth to dislodge food and forgetting to dab my lips properly. Other little things I am sure were not nice to look at. So. it was good in a lot of ways for me to get back on track. I miss others telling their woes and joys. One lady was a little annoying, when she got into Jackson politics. Apparently, she listens to too much TV. But she did make a lot of sense. I kept very quiet on that subject. Jackson was my home all my life and I still love it. This lady was from way up there in the "Delta" and so out of reach with Jackson. Oh, well, I forgave her and kept my opinion to myself. You know, I have my opinion of those gentile Delta Ladies. I know some who are so nice and some think there is no other place in the world, except the DELTA!!

BETTY (forgive me) BOOP

p. s. now who is predigest?