August 31, 2023


 Enjoy the weather. Just please send the rain too. Grass is really suffering. As I sat and drank from one of many cups this morning. I thought "How nice to have a cup." My tiny kitchen cabinet  has two shelves set aside for cups. Now how will I ever use them all? (anymore). One half of one shelf full of just Christmas cups. The other half with teapots!!! Will I ever have  another Christmas when they are needed? Oh that hot spiced tea!! Another shelf shares a space with just teapots. Can't let them go-they are Memories. I drank my coffee from a plain grey cup with a blue rim around it. Plain and no frills. Traveling Cowboys had tin cups. Bet it burned the lips. My, my, I am wandering the world this morning. I planned to look at the "Blue Moon" last night--forgot it. Did you see it? Hope the news shows it today. Not the same, but what is?

BETTY(take what I can get) BOOP

p. s. what else can I do?

August 30, 2023


 Hummers are in the frantic mode. Good manners out the window. This is for the trip they must take to hibernate. Still is hard to imagine. I have been reading a little about this lately.  They are so tiny and go so far, another thing to ponder. 

Not much to tell, At least nothing you would be interested in. Seems my life is predictable but things happen I can not explain. My dreams are amazing of late. Many people appear in them who I have not thought about in years. Kind of unsettling? My brain has been on my mind a lot since the stroke. I guess it got all "Shook Up". Remember Jerry Lee Lewis? What a "shook up" he was. 

BETTY (don't like being shook up.) BOOP

August 29, 2023

68 degrees is perfect.

 There was a meeting around the table last night. The Hummers are deciding when to migrate. This morning I saw 3 drinking at one time. Don't see that often. They are "tanking" up I think for the drive to warmer climate. As they always do. Still here this morning. but soon they will depart from here and be back later I hope. Please take the wasp with you. 

It really was strange to feel a cool breeze, but so welcome. I am sure Summer weather is not over yet but enjoy. Please send some rain for our grass. I have not seen Freddie the Feral cat in a few days. After all he is a traveling man. I tiptoed down the hall early in my robe and gown to my neighbor's who has a birthday today. She is such a nice girl and I like her. Others do too, she already had cards at her door. Mine is the pretty one with the tissue flower on top (my signature.) Love doing that, but my hands sure did stumble while I made it. It is so simple to make, but my hands just wont do what my brain tells them to anymore. Lack of communication is slowing me down. Oh, well. slow can help you "Smell the roses." so it is said. 

BETTY (mmmm they do smell good,) BOOP

August 28, 2023

WOW !!!! 76 degrees

  How nice. I could stay all morning out here. I found myself singing "Oh, Let the sunshine in, face it with a grin," Remember that song ? No sunshine in the sky, but that means possibility of rain?  I hope. J was better yesterday afternoon and came. With new books. So welcome, (her visit I mean.) I was on my deadline of coffee and she picked 2 kinds for me. One was one I remember from my early cooking days. Community .  Breakfast blend,  and a new one for me, SEATTLE"s BEST. BREAKFAST BLEND. thought of Frazier, from the sitcom of the past. Not so far past?   

My little Hummers are putting on a frantic show. Preparing to fly away soon. I am sure the weather has them confused and they want to be ready to travel. They are fighting each other for a seat at the table of juice. 

I had a dream early as I woke. having overslept. It was of my True Love, my soul mate for life. I  have never had such a real-like dream of him. I could see his face and his eyes were on me. Oh, my, wish I could have Amy 2 to tell me the meaning. I will think about it all day. It was so real. 

BETTY (give me a good day Lord) BOOP

p. s. You already have.

August 27, 2023


First the Hummers. I saw a "newbie" This beauty was green, So pretty. Everyone gave it room. Then I saw two human "newbies".  Two ladies, one frisky and the other trying to keep up. She will be left behind next time. Fast one seemed impatient or was she just concerned for the other? Next my gaze went to the Meadow. Some grass is turning brown and they seem  to like it. The Weather People are teasing us with promise of a little rain. Hope that happens. A good soaking rain would be wonderful.

My two Madison daughters are sick this morning. They are thoughtfully staying away from this Old Girl. Don't need for her to be sick. But I am sorry they are dealing with it. Hope today will be better. 

So the things around me seem to go on and I will too.

BETTY (need a change) BOOP

p. s. but please Lord some good changes. 


August 26, 2023


 I went to a program on Strokes yesterday. I learned nothing new. I forget that everyone has not had the experience of going through one. Some need to know the basic info. I guess I have done a good job of trying to learn, but still I feel lost sometime. In some ways I am better and then in others, I know I will never be the same no matter how small or how large the damage is. It is still a stroke. And always chance  of another. I am getting good care and the best of Dr's, but still......... Oh well. SO BE IT. 

J. comes this afternoon to fill the pill boxes. What a relief that is. I have been able to do it so far, but we are being sure I am still doing it right. My neighbor called to talk "hummers." I wonder if he will get himself  a water gun too?  It sounded like fun to him. Hey, we find our fun where we can get it. Not everyone likes Bingo or a game of Darts. !!!!!!

BETTY (takes skill to douse a wasp) BOOP

p. s. a child's dream

August 25, 2023


Every day is different, yet the same in some ways. I have been blessed the last few with things of interest to do and the strength to do them. Today. a program on strokes. Of great interest to me. I try to learn all I can. Since everyone is different and the brain is also a mystery, there is much to know and new info all the time. The thing about this meeting is the time of the program. One o'clock. Right in the middle of "nap" time. I have been planning to juggle my time so I can go. So Be It. 

The war with wasp is not going as planned. My maid thought It was funny yesterday when she came to clean. She was only afraid she would get stung, but cleaned the Balcony quickly. Turns out I am only having a little fun because the wasp are laughing at me and enjoying the water bath and saying "thank You" for the cool shower every now and then. (you see, I am not hitting the target every time.)Oh, well, bet I am only resident having this kind of fun.

BETTY (on target) BOOP


August 24, 2023


  is all we talk about. Something funny? Well, I borrowed a water gun from J's playroom. With high hopes, I thought it would be fun the squirt the wasp that are making the hummers crazy and stealing their  sweet juice and running them off. I sit in a chair close with this foot long beauty of a red and yellow water gun. It has seen much action before and ready for more. I sat and waited. In he flew. I aimed at him (sort of). and wet the thief all over. He was surprised and flew away all wet. Well the thing is-it scared the Hummers too, although I did not wet them. The feeder is doused with water, maybe they will come back. I don't know. Meanwhile I have a container of water in the shade to keep it cool and gun on call. Just come on..... Oh, no, the wasp dried off and came back. Hey, I will put some thought into it and hurry back to the battle ground when I figure it out. 

Something better. Tim Stanek, Piano Man, from Memphis, Tenn. (as he introduces himself) came to perform for us. He has been with us several times. So talented and we all love him. Like his kind of Jazz. He works the "oldies" in his music. 

BETTY (hope i will not get stung) BOOP

p. s. I have plenty to do, thank you!!

August 23, 2023

pop shelf yes "pop"

 Missed writing yesterday, with a good reason. Jan took me on a Happy Hunt. Have you ever heard of "pop shelf"? Me either. It is up slightly in  price, of a Dollar Store, but not much. My it was nice. All shelves fully stocked and everything you could think of. It took a long time to look at all of it. But we did. With our buggy full, we finally checked out and went home with our treasures. I know the name sounds confusing. It is not a typo. though I am guilty of that too. But pop shelf? I could have come up with something else, but I am sure a catchy name is important. We hurried off to top it off with a homecooked meal at TRACE GRILL. One of our favorites and many others too. They make the best meat loaf in town and they know how to cook veggies too. I had a good time and it was good to be out and among the "living." Thank you dear daughter for thinking of such a nice outing. 

Nice to write about something besides the "Birds and the Bees."

BETTY(nothing wrong with that subject." BOOP

p. s. change is good sometime. pop shelf is next to TJ MAX (I work for them now as their PR man (girl)

August 21, 2023


 The sprinklers are keeping the grass green and I am writing in green,  Cool!!!My, the Hummers are at war this morning. Fighting each other for a place to drink. Never mind the wasp, just push them away. I saw a sweet sight this morning while on the Balcony. I watched a man on his Scooter (state of the art). He came out from the Cyber, after breakfast I bet. Out he came down the ramp and on to the sidewalk around the Lake. He paused in front of me (I know he did not notice me) and parked and  looked at the calm Lake. He pulled out his phone, snapped a picture and then talked to someone. He wanted to share the beauty of the morning Lake. So calm and pretty. He talked a short while  then hung up and off he went. No Freddie yet this morning. Missed him. Maybe he is sleeping somewhere else today. I slept off and own last night. I do that on Sunday's sometime. Little more activity and much else to think about. Poor old brain really has been all shook up. Will it ever be the same?  No, but could be better?  Must give it time. Because I am now in a new Season of my life. Onward !

BETTY enjoy your seasons BOOP

p. s. maybe you will get an extra one like me.

August 20, 2023


 Ok, now he has a name. I gave it to him. I saw him this morning, curled under the shrubs again. Big and grey strips, with a black tail. Could pass for a racoon or something similar. Not as big, but a big cat. He is behind the sprinkler that is watering the lawn in front of him, as if he got caught in the rain. He sleeps  as I drink coffee. Sleep on, I will not disturb you. For you probably had patrol duty with the guards all night. 

Hope to go to Church this morning. So far I am just the usual "state of dizzy" Not too bad, so I do want to go. We will see. 

P. S. will keep you posted on my new friend Freddie the Feral.

p. s. here is a good one.

Proverbs  5:18" So be happy with your wife, find your  joy with the girl you married,"  ALL RIGHT!!

August 19, 2023


   enough and I enjoyed it. The lawn sprinklers make it feel even better. Looking for the cat. Did not see him yet. Something to check out each morning. Put him on my list. I have a routine for my mornings task, or I could not keep up. Good for my memory too. I have always liked routine anyway. Looking for #2 with provisions this morning. Always exciting. What will she find in the grocery today? They tell me shopping is an adventure. Never sure what will be there. Well I will get n with it, checking often to see if the feral cat has come by yet. He needs a name. I will work on that. 

BETTY (busy betty) BOOP

p. s. yeah, sure !!

August 18, 2023


 I have seen him two mornings under the shrubs around the swimming pool. I have heard we have a few.  I don't know where they came from. From across the road I think. He is a beauty, Big and strong and mean looking. I guess he must be to survive on his own. He seems to be just resting and looking over the land. Looking for water I bet. No hand outs for sure. Maybe he keeps the mice at bay? I don't feel sorry for him, I am really kind of proud that he can survive. Here I am making up a story of his life. He may have a happy home and he is just "slumming" for fun. Slow Day for the Blog.

BETTY  (better tomorrow) BOOP

p. s. try coming up with something interesting each day. 

August 17, 2023


 The color of the blog is Rosey pink. How pretty. Just like the morning. Still a little cooler. Enjoy it today. Glad for the morning and the ability to still fix my own breakfast. In assisted living, breakfast is at 7:30 and while they say come on down in your robe if you want, I can't see wanting to do that. I am sure I would adapt, but not yet. I had a lovely thick and fluffy waffle this morning with luscious strawberries on top. Now that is breakfast for sure. So- I feel "rosie" this morning. The Lake is calm, with reflections of Willow and Cyprus trees on the water. Love Cyprus trees, they have such character. Heard a small plane go over. Someone is enjoying the morning. Just two Hummers fighting for sweet juice and a few wasp still fighting. Stop the fighting and look around and be happy for what you have. 

BETTY(good advice) BOOP

p.s. old Betty is good at giving it-she should take a little sometime)

August 16, 2023


 I haven't used that word lately. Makes me feel cool. And the stay on Balcony was "cool." Enjoy, it will not be here long, so the Weather folks say. Well, at least the Bumble Bees have gone. The wasp remain and so do the Hummers. Still a little drama to watch. But where are the Walkers? My, they are missing an good chance to walk and not get hot. 

Do you know what makes oatmeal good?  Strawberries!! Now we get them year around from Cal. and Florida too. Does not matter the cost, I have them anyway. Oh, I got the 3 minute OATMEAL by mistake and find it is just as good. So fixing oatmeal for breakfast is just a breeze. I am running low on butter, so instead of buttered toast, I just lightly spread honey on my toast. I am the Queen of make-do. Child of the Depression. Ha!! I did not suffer from that. My Mom and Dad did a good job of shielding me, so all I remember was that someone would steal milk from the front porch where a glass bottle of it was delivered each day. How sad to steal food. That memory stayed with me. I was one who did not like milk and looked for the chance to pour it down the sink drain. Now that is SAD.

BETTY (I like milk now.) BOOP

p.s. Oh, how fun, when one subject leads to another--no matter how silly.

August 15, 2023


 Imagine my surprise when I looked out to the feeder yesterday morning.  Nobody was there. No Bumble Bees. no wasp, no Hummers. I did a small research and found that Bumblebees  hibernate. They are followed by lots of people in the world. Lot to know about them. I guess they are gone for the season. How do they know that it is time to go. Just like the Hummers know. I did not yet research the wasp. But it was strange to have so many Bees and then they are gone. The Hummers are feasting when they want. My there is a lot to know about nature. 

The weather is giving us a little break this morning. Actually hated to leave the Balcony. The breeze was nice. 

The Hummers (two) are fighting. Now their is no reason for that since the bees are gone. I guess that is what they do, to each his own.

BETTY (what will I observe next?)BOOP

Proverbs 12: 15: "Stupid people always think they are right. Wise people listen to advice."

August 14, 2023


 Just trying to come up with something "clever." Maybe that is just not my style. If the Blog comes out interesting and clever, it is just an accident. I will tell you, I finished a very interesting book. "BECOMING MRS. LEWIS. I was enthralled with the story of C.S. Lewis. I knew so little about him. Of course it is based on real and fiction.  I can't remember being a good reader growing up in school. Read what I had to. What a shame. I have come to realize how much I could have learned. I am trying in my later years, to learn as much as I can. Mr. Google==here I come for the short version of everything. Who is this guy Google? Has to be a whole Army of people. Adding new stuff everyday. Boggles my tired brain. 

We are all still talking about the Merkosky visit. Those children are lucky to have such good parents. The base it is built on. And they have a great pair. 

On another great subject. FRUIT. I have been lucky to have some good fruit this year. Maybe the heat has enhanced the ones I have been brought. The Mango has really been a treat. 

BETTY(always about food)BOOP

p. s. usually a safe subject.

August 13, 2023


 Kind of rhymes?  I am thinking of writing poems again. My creativity is stirring. People (friends) keep asking. Nobody writes them anymore for Villager or Board. Maybe that is my job? Ups!! I have fallen down on my job of late. So much has been happening to me. And not all good. That big old crow thinks he is King of the Land. He is kind of scarry. It must be hot up there on top. Maybe he has caught a breeze. Maybe I will title my first poem--TOP OF THE HEAP. Other thing like humming birds would be nice too, but that subject does not turn out too good. I blame it all on the hot weather. 

Another subject can be sad and good.  I am sorry to say the Merkoskys are headed back today to Indiana. Daddy came to drive them home. My, it has been so good to see them all. They came over yesterday. Whole family. They have had a good time all week. But Alas, school is calling. Back to seeing friends and learning new things. Have a good year and come again to see us. Meanwhile, # 3 daughter and I will go to Church. 

BETTY  (at least I hope to go.) BOOP

P. S. I will try to send you a Proverb once in a while, I love them.

"Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is a slow death to be gloomy all the time." Proverbs 17: 22. Go figure!!!

August 12, 2023


 Usually that is a sign that school is starting. OPPS !!!! It has started. Early now. Air conditioning helps, When I was a little girl, floor fans would have to do. And maybe just one to a room. Trained on the teacher-kids got hot anyway. Oh well. I don't always remember it straight. Another sign of Fall-Cicada's singing. We  called them "kadydids. (even the dictionary can't spell it. Anyway, I heard a very weak sound, I believe it  was unsure also.  They are strange looking. If you can find a shell after they emerge   were lucky. Boys of course tried to scare the girls and the faint of hearts with them. Oh well, what we need now is a couple days of real rain. How sweet that would be. 

BETTY (what are Cicada's good for?) BOOP

p. s. even I have a purpose.

August 11, 2023


 Dreams !!!! I have them. You do too. Mine are many and vivid. I wonder why?  Do I not really go into deep sleep? I do wake up a lot each night. But lately my dreams have been sometime disturbing. I keep dreaming of long ago people and events. Wish I could have a sweet dream or none at all. Oh well. if  you wish upon a star--dreams come true. Maybe I will try that. That reminds me of all the wonderful movies I have seen. Being a MOM, I got to see a lot of movies made for children. . I have not been to any movie in a long time. I doubt if I could stand the noise and largeness of them now. PBS will have to do. So do you watch any of them. I only have regular cable and have enough to watch. I have my books and that is fine with me. 

How did I get off on such mundane subjects. Goes with being "in the 9o"s"  Way in the 9o's.  SO BE IT!!


p. s. as I have said before, I need to get out more, but I don't want to. 

August 9, 2023


 And what a wonderful visit. They brought hugs, smiles, news, flowers and much, much JOY to me. Such growing they have done since seeing them. Girls are beautiful, and  one handsome brother. So delightfully full of news. And wonderfully polite manners. Oh, yes, they brought their Mother, Grandmother. and Mr. T.  the proud Grand Daddy. I was overwhelmed with them. I loved hearing them all talk (sometime at the same time) telling me all they are doing. My, to be so full of Life. I took them proudly down the Hall (Emily riding shotgun on the Red Rover) With Oh's and Ahha"s from everyone. I was so proud to show them off. We went to the Cyber to try out the wonderful Blue Bell's new freezer box of treats. Snicker Bar covered ice cream was a hit. M & M cookie ice cream for the little one. Even J, Mr. T. and the Mom of the group enjoyed something special from the "freezer of wonder." Up at my Hall Table that I maintain, I handed them each a little homemade bag to put anything from the Beach Scene to take home with them, to remember the Beach. The little girls  chose the mermaid dolls and shells. The "man" of the group chose a stately Pelican and shells too. The mementoes will have a good home and remind them of the wonderful years we spent at the Beach, just like their Great Grandad planned it. Oh, what a nice day I have to check in my Memory Bank. I will check it out often, enjoy, and carefully check it back in. 

BETTY(blessed)   BOOP

p.s. and I know it !!!

August 8, 2023


 I watch and decided something different each day, confirming how little I know. And want to know. I was at the point of doing something about the Battle. Glad I backed off. I wanted to help my little Hummer friends. I could pour hot water on the feeder full of bees and wasp. As excitement built and I felt brave. I then decided --if I do that, I risk the chance of flinging the whole thing down three stories and then where would I be? So. I backed off and let it be. Let them work it out. Who am I to change the course of Nature? Over night a mighty force gathered (2) mighty force against the enemy. Smart thinking. (as Truman used to say.) They. together forced the Bugs to the other side and all pulled up a chair to the table. Each time a bug got of lime. a Hummer would dive and remind him of his place around the table. So they all had their fill. Now as all good thing do come to an end, this did not last long and they are still diving at each other. I thought----just like humans..

75 degrees-can you believe it? I am sure it will not last. Let us hope for a little rain to keep it cooler. 

BETTY (stay tuned for news of the B &B's)BOOP

p. s. I will look for something else to tell you.

August 7, 2023


Of course I know it's meaning. Just habit to look up old sayings. So many have the origin of English. This one does too. The weather is of much interest to all. Oh, my, this lately is getting to everyone.  I am hoping for a break soon. I am really tired of the bees and wasp. They are just fighting to survive, but how tiresome they are.    I felt "under the weather" yesterday and stayed in my PJ"s all day. Missed Church, except on TV. Not the same, but was good too. Feel tired this morning, but I guess I am out from "under the weather." So, I read my good books and  slept as I wanted and ate as I pleased. Just "pampered" myself. You need that sometime. So it is Monday. and need to get back on the track.  

I was happy that "WHEN CALLS THE HEART" was back on the Hallmark channel  last night. I have watched it each season since it started. Such a sweet love story and I like it. Got all  wrapped up and carried away.

BETTY(needed to be wrapped up" BOOP

p.s. and "carried away" 

August 6, 2023


 From Mr. Chen's.  Does not get better than this. Complete with delightful guest who brought it. My middle duo Mr. T. & and daughter # 2. We had lunch in the Bubble with the wasp who are insisting on finding a way to come in. It was good at first, but they go aggressive and mean and we had to hurry away. I will  talk to Maintenance and Housekeeping on Monday. Something must be done about the Wasp. It was so good and I enjoyed it. Jan stayed a while and picked up a few scattered bits of my business and set me back on my feet. She is good and willing to help me with the many things that come up. I am reminded over and over that without help from both daughters, I could would not live in Independent Living with ease. Number one daughter would do the same if she lived close. She helps with regularly phone calls and keeps we up with her family and events. I am truly blessed. 

BETTY (switched my lunch choice) BOOP

p. s. still like shrimp and veggies best.

August 5, 2023


 Remember the toy store THE PLAY PEN? Still in business I think.  A child's dream come true. And some mothers too. (ME) Could hardly wait till Christmas, when I would take my girls to pick out what they desired for Christmas. Usually they got what they wanted. I did too. because I pushed them to want Madam Alexander Dolls. So beautiful. I have a life long love affair with dolls. The doll company has been in business since 1918, I read. But the PLAY PEN is there too. Haven't been lately. I knew the couple who started it. She was in my High School class at old Central High in Jackson. They worked together to start it. Last I heard, it was still in the family. They had a storage building out back that they stored Christmas lay-a-ways every year. Most of us had to put them on lay a way and pay little at a time till Christmas. So we looked and planned way ahead. Planning and dreaming was the most fun. And to have a safe place to hide them was for me too. Jan wanted and got a doll named RUTHIE. I think she liked the long flannel nightgown she wore. more than the doll it's self. Right?

BETTY (I miss keeping secrets) BOOP

p. s. loved my dolls, especially the human ones!!!


August 4, 2023


 I am sure SCV broke the fire code yesterday for too many people in the Activity Room. And the Mayor of Madison sitting right on the stage--front row!!!! Yes Mayor Hawkins was our guest and the whole Village turned out. She sat demurely in a all Pink outfit, hair just right and make up perfect. Also with a sweet voice and political smile. I think she has been Mayor all her life and most of ours too. I think she has done a good job. The staff hurried to bring in extra chairs. Wow.!!She of course brought too much good news and smoothed over the not so welcomed things. We will rejoice and be glad? What else can we do?

Excitement on the front line for me. I opened the screen to Balcony and did not notice a big old mad and hungry wasp flew in with me. I found him on the floor of the kitchen-dazed but ready for me. Oh no!!  Not at 6:30 in morning. What to do? No bug spray. It flew off with the wind a long time ago. I looked for a weapon. Nothing but my BIG OLD DICTIONARY came in sight. I grabbed it-snuck back in kitchen. Let is fall on him and he did not know what hit him. Left him as I cooked my breakfast, checking him often to see if he still lay still and dead. With a paper towel, I picked him up and "down the disposal" to the river and beyond. Good job "old girl." One less to push my hummers around.

BETTY (victorious) BOOP

p. s. don't cross me today.!!! 

p.p.s. fighting mood!!!

August 3, 2023

TILLY & ????

 It is official. There are two hummers. So I assume they are mates. The "newbie" is black with a white  ring around it's neck. Now two little pilots  to chase the bees and wasp away. Now for a name for the newcomer. I do insist that they rhyme. How about "WILLIE"? TILLY &   WILLIE. I LIKE IT. So much would work. Billy, Dilly. Frilly. Milly, -- Silly? Really? Oh hush and get on with it. 

Maybe the high humor can be attributed to a lovely Dinning Room biscuit. I sure liked one toasted this morning. Little honey dribbled on, made it better. Daughter # 2 gave me a jar of good honey.

The coffee on the Balcony brought no walkers this morning, but the Happy Couple , as I call them, were splashing in the pool. Can't be over 65 I think. Remember when I had that kind of energy. Time does go on and takes it's toll. So as a old SCV choir used to sing. "INJOY YOURSELF, IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK" One of our favorites. My I miss the Choir. 


August 2, 2023

 I write in green because the lawn in front of Balcony is watered each morning. How nice. Oh, for some rain. TILLY my hummer does not worry about water. Their are 3 feeders close together. And she is fixed for good old flavored water. Flavored with sugar-not with color. Saw her early this morning. Excited to be a part of her food chain. 

I slept well last night with sweet dreams. I dreamed about my Mother , Truman and our wedding. Not a bit like our own. Dramatic and crazy. Dreams are that way sometime. Too funny and silly to tell. 

Think I will do my laundry this morning. Fortified with a beautiful poached egg on toast, turkey bacon, orange juice and green grapes to top it off. Oh yes, Trader Joe's coffee too. 

BETTY("keep trucking" BOOP

p. s. Do you know what that term means? "trucking"

August 1, 2023


Have you been there? My it is good. After a good dental report ("look Mommy, no cavities!!!!!") Remember the old TV ad". we wanted to celebrate. Daughter #3 and I picked up her daughter # 2 and went to celebrate at Japanese Nagoya.  It was so good. We shared a feast fit for the Emperor. The waiters make you feel special. Enjoyed a lot of different foods. Some were a little hot and spicy but all was good. Good visit which I really enjoyed. Must "get out more."

Well Tilly the hummer brought a friend this morning. They did not get along well, so maybe not  a friend, but a stranger. They fought for a place at the table. There is plenty, why fight?   I will share my oatmeal with blueberries. Sorry that is not how it works. Well. lets get on with the day and see what happens.

BETTY(willing to share) BOOP

p. s. better that way.