November 18, 2009

Brrrrrrrrrr Cold

Not really, but it may frost tonight. Pansies like the cold and that always seems wrong to me. They look so delicate to me. We put out three flats of them Saturday along with ornamental cabbage. I wonder what they would taste like? I do not think I will try them. They are so pretty. Something dug a couple up last night and the night before. Even with the wire Truman covered them with, they got to them. Wonder what did it? Those pesky coons I guess. We replanted them and they look o. k.. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and looking forward to having Linda and Joe-Cameron and Whitney and the worlds cutest great grandsons--Andrew and Liam. Amy is having us at their house for the big feast. Dogs going to Day Care for the day. At least Truffles is. I will shut the Cat here in my bedroom (Whitney is allergic to cats like Ashley.) I do not mind that and Penny will like it too. Hope for me that my dressing comes out good. Amy will bake turkey. Lot of fun coming. We will miss some of our family. Maybe Christmas will be even better.

Sweetly Be
Betty Boop


Mary Grace said...

im making the turkey mamaw! so it is going to be great!

Ashley said...

I wish we could be there! It would be good to see everyone for sure!
I guess you'll just have to look for us on TV at the Macy's Parade!

amy said...

You know Mary Grace is the chief turkey cooker now!!