February 27, 2012


Sunday was good for the first time lately. We sang SHALL WE GATHER AT THE RIVER the song we sang at Truman's funerel. A little upseting. I had a sugar drop in church-sent me scrambling for some sugar, but I made it. Lunch at Mr. Chen's--I like it there. Ate with Amy Sophie and "boyfriend". Made bean soup this afternoon and pumpkin bread to Take to coffee Monday. Watched the "Oscar" awards--so I had a full day. Thank you Lord for work to do and strength to do it.

Betty Boop

February 25, 2012


I decided to have pancakes in the Cyber. I have not done this of late. I took blueberries with me. My I had a good brerakast. Don't do this very often. Ate with a delightful lady. Her sister lives next door to Amy. She walks the lake edge every day and drinks three (3) gallons of milk a week.!!!!Her secret is out. I drink milk but not that much. Oh she has never been married. What does that say.? I will take married bliss any day. How about you Ashley?

Betty Boop

February 23, 2012


Boy these people never miss a beat to celebrate The Brass Band from Madison Central really tore us up. Terry Miller is the banks director. I think he was there when Bryan was in the band. He told me he remembered Bryan. Only thing I could not understand---they had three drummers and they kept a;ternating. I decided they were trying to find a (Bryan) replacement. Never will they find one. They did not even end with a drum solo. Not the same. Good, but not the same. I guess that is the way with most things---you just can not go back.

Betty Boop

February 19, 2012


Rain all day--enough already. Jan came and we had lunch in the Cyber Cafe. Cesar salad with great grilled shrimp. So good. Another wonderful thing happened today. At least I hope it is. I got an offer on the house. First real movement so far and it has been almost a year. It is not what I want but the house is just sitting there and going down. I need to get out from under the pressure too. After talking to everyone I am going to take the offer and hope they will buy. I have very mixed feelings. Truman and I loved living there and we had many good and sad memories. But life does go on and I believe this is the thing to do. Keep me in your prayers for that is my salvation.

Betty Boop

February 18, 2012


I hear it was great--I did not go. At the last minute I just could not go without my mate. I know-most ladies who live here do not have one either. It is just too new to me and I let it go for now. Amy came and we had our favorite blackened cat fish and it was good. Could not make it without her and Jan and Mary Grace. Hey I am o.k. Let us see what today(Saturday ) will bring. Always something different.

Betty Boop

February 15, 2012


Not much fanfare for it. I guess we are too old to mention that we do not have a real valentine anymore. But great plans for Mardi Gras. The acrivity room will be turned into Bourbon Street complete with brass band (I think Madison Central's) Pat O'Brian's and you can buy Hurricans (Shirley Temples-$!.00--the real thing- $2.00) A bargain. I just might look in. What do you think?

Betty Boop

February 13, 2012

P. S.

I made a loaf pound cake to take to exercise-coffee group this morning. They will like that.

I made a loaf pound cake to take to coffee_exercise class this morning. They will be excited, B.B.


Rainy days and Monday's

Well we have both-rain and Monday. Don't let it get you down. More later I hope since it is early.

Sweetly Be
Betty Boop

February 12, 2012


I went walking this morning (in the Halls of St. Catherine} and I passed the door of a Lady who had a blue Beta fish at her entrance. I had looked at it many times. Her door was opened and I spoke to her. She was happy to tell me all about Beta's. Hers was two years old so I was glad to get advice from her. He was blue and named Finley. I was invited in to meet Bobby her parakeet. Good visit. You never know who you will meet or what you will learn--only ask. Jan came to visit and bring me down to earth on some annoying problems with my insurance. What a chore. I listened to Garrison Keeler on radio this evening. He will be in Oxford soon and Meridian also. Wish I could see him. I saw him several years ago in Jackson. I am reading a new Nicholas Sparks book. It is a real thriller. Different for him. 23 degrees this morning. Will have to dress warm for Church.

February 11, 2012


Nothing of enterest yet, except I had breakfast in the Cyber. Sugar was low enough for regular food but I skipped the pancakes just to be sure. The day is young and cold so I will see what else will happen. I need something new to do.

Betty Boop

February 10, 2012

Nourish Your Noggin

Feeling better today. I started this new educational progam put on here by the Alzheimer's Association of Mississippi for the education and learning about
alzheimer's. They teach many things like food for the brain and exercise and emotional and spiritual wellness. Classes are two times a week for 6 weeks. I went to the first yesterday and it souns good altho I have heard a lot of it before. But it makes you aware of a lot. Rain and cold for weekend. Then spring like weather. It is up and down. Don't know what to wear. If that is all I have to worry about==well good for me?

Betty Boop

February 9, 2012

Under the weather

Hello! I have been a little sick for this week. I feel better today and hope to be up and running good soon. I do not like to be sick.

Betty Boob

February 4, 2012


You should all see my decorated entrance to my apartment. I saved old valentines that Truman's Mother saved. They were from his 2nd grade. Really cute. I decorated with some of them. They will be {I hope} a good conversation peice. Lindsay sent me for my birthday a beautiful door decoration. So I am now set for the next half of the month. What next? I will come up with something to satisfy my creative moments. Such as they are. We will see.

Betty Boop

February 3, 2012


wHAT CAN i SAY? Rain is expected all day. Boy those card games will really be hot today. Since I do not play(I do not play games.) I will find something else to do. Maybe redecorate my entrance. Valentine theme of course.

Betty Boop

February 1, 2012


Jan and Amy took me to CORNER BAKERY for lunch on my birthday. Was so good. So far I have received 27 Birthday cards just from my friends at Sr Catherines. I know some more will come today. I have made so many new friends here and they say what goes around comes around. I have never been in such a loving place. It is unbelievable. Next to family--they are the best. Well it is raining today and I must get back to normal. One could get spoiled to all this attention.

Sweetly Be
Betty Boop