July 15, 2012


Rain does not bother me. I kind of like the mood it puts me in. Kind of slows me. And makes me reflective. When you live like I do --there is not much to worry about. Really it is unreal. Sometime I feel a little guilty, but this is the end stage of life, when you look back and see what a struggle it all was. Now it is a looking game-waiting to see what happenes next. A place I think I have found comfortable and enteresting and just happy to be here, I don't mean to sound as if I have not enjoyed my life-I have very few regrets. Some things maybe I would have done different. But I still have many many chances to do new things that make every day new ane full. Lord where did all that come from.? I guess I am letting the writing thing go to my head??

Any way This is the day the Lord hath made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Betty Boop

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