July 7, 2012


My day started early with a MAKING GOOD THINGS BETTER committee meeting, We took all the 4th's decorations down that we so gleefully put out. We have a great number of people to work. We really made short work of it. I went to the Cyber to have coffee. where a lady asked if I was going to the funeral. Who died I asked? She said a poor little sparrow flew into the windowpane and killed itself. We had a good laugh over that. She is an artist and paints some pretty work including birds. I decided to take my "Hall" walk before reading on two good books I am reading before Jan came for lunch. Guess what--it turned into a party with Jan,Tommy, Cary, and David Jan and me "the old girl". We had fun. David and Jan had babyback ribs.They said they were good. I will have to try them sometime.They left and I had a nap. then shampoo and back to my books. Now don"t I have an easy life?. By the way our Beach picture David took of the whole group is proudly hanging on the"bragging rights" board for all to see. I am so proud of all my family.

Betty Boop

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