October 11, 2017


Here goes Proverbs again--"Kind words are like honey--sweet to the taste and good for your health."
I have been staying in so much lately.  I went down to get my backed up mail and I heard so many kind words from friends that it was "good for my health" as the proverb goes. Also the Honey Man is coming today and I plan to buy some.  It is from local bees and should be good.  Well, I know it is good because I have bought it before.  I don't eat much, but sometime I get a craving for it on my toast.  I do feel better but am still working on it.  Poor Bitsy seems very slow with her problem and I feel so sorry for her.

On a lighter note, on the same page where I read from Proverbs this morning was this: " Long life is the reward of the righteous: gray hair is a glorious crown" Underneath my hair is gray, so I need to dig deeper I guess. 

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Karen Buffington said...

Hope you continue to get better! Bitsy too.