October 4, 2013


I bragged too quick.  I overdid  my new exercise moves with the weights and pulled a muscle in my lower back.  Since Wednesday afternoon, I have been taking pain pills and generally living on the heating pad.  Some better, but not well.  I should have known better.  I have been alright for a week and into the second week, I had to do this.  I am so embarrassed and mad at myself. 

Well I have at least written a poem for my next Creative writing class.  Not about pain, altho it might be my next title.  It is about humming birds--going and coming.  They have really put on a show for me.  I think I told you about that already.  But this is a poem.  Somehow  things just come out a poem lately.  They used two of them in this month's VILLAGER.  They are desperate to use my stuff.  My stuff seems sort of silly but that is what you get.  Comes out that way. 

Amy came and brought lunch from CORNER BAKERY.  My was it good.  Saved some for supper.  If you are interested--I will keep you up on my progress.  Even my maid told me what to take for my pain when she came to clean this afternoon.  Maybe I will not be tied down too much longer.  I hope not.

Betty Boop

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