May 21, 2012


Well I do not know how to say this but I fed two ducks this morning--both males. What happened to mama? Did she get tired of her family? Did dad get tired of her fussing? What will happen to two males? Stay tuned to the opening drama right outside my own balcony. Do you also remember the book MAKE WAY FOR DUCKLINGS? Another favorite about this mama Mallard in Boston I think who led her family of ducklings--with the help of this special policeman--accross a busy street to a park with a pond for her babies to swim. I used to almost cry it was so sweet to me.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

I read that story to my little one right before we went to the Public Garden a couple of weeks ago. There are bronze statues of the little ducks walking down one of the paths toward the pond! She gave each one a kiss!