November 6, 2023


 I watched as 3 planes took off. Leaving the streaks and then turning to clouds. I then remembered my first flight. By myself to Dallas, Southern Methodist University to see Truman graduate from Banking School. Took a while for that to happen. I have flown many times since, but the first was exciting. Everyone on the plane knew from my actions that it was the first. But wait till you fly over water and the ocean at that!!!!!That a few times is  still something to remember. 

The old Sparrow friends are a bit jealous. They do not get on the feeder, but eat the crumbs the others are always dropping. Fun to watch.

My brain is really mixed. Can't even figure what time it really is. Oh well. I just take my sleep when I can get it. Just let the brain deal with it. It is already in that mode. 

No problem,

BETTY(on my own) BOOP

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