November 2, 2023


 Let's do purple in color. I like it. From frost to sunny. Can you stand it?  Before the week is done, we will have had it all----except rain. Which we do need. 

I saw a beautiful Red male Cardinal yesterday at my new feeder. I gasp for breath, it was so beautiful and surprising. Did not see his mate. but they don't stand out as much as the man of the house. I am glad I thought of a bird feeder to replace the Hummers when they go South. 

Can you make a perfect "egg over light"?  I did this morning. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. But not always true. I have had plenty of practice, but many failures. Nothing sadder than a egg-over-light gone bad. No. not bad but not perfect. 

tasted good and with bacon, toast and a small bowl of fresh strawberries, topped with Starbuck coffee. T'was great.

BETTY always the cook BOOP

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