December 15, 2012


Pancakes in the Cyber were so good.  Darrell and wife Earlene are always good company. They got my day off right.  Did you know that simmering meat sauce can splatter?  I just spent 15 minutes cleaning up.  I took the top off and before I could turn it down (just a few seconds) it went every place you could imagine>  When you come next time to see me I am sure you can fine some still there in places I missed.  I guess the cooking bug has hit.  I made Navy Bean soup the other day.  And  I held back on the Black bean soup.  I still have veg soup in the freezer.  You would think I was preparing for a blizzard.  Actually it is 70 degrees today and lots of rain predicted for tomorrow--bringing in a cold front.
Excuse me--I think I will go have a bowl of soup.  Care to join me?

Bettry Boop 

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