December 6, 2012


Somebody digs out this Folgers coffee commercial every Christmas of the young man coming home and younger sister opens the door early one morning for him--they of course make Folgers coffee before mom and dad know he is there.  That breaks me up and I cry every time.  So sweet. Maybe I am just ready for a good cry. and believe me I will--soon.  Christmas is a sad season to me and yet I must not think of it that way, because it is not all about "me".  I wish I could stop thinking of me first.  I really try but sometime I get overcome and feel sorry for myself.  I really do have very little reason to have these feelings but I do and I will deal with them.  I am making cute little "happies" for my friends here at St. Catherine"s.  Not much but they say I care.  I have been putting silver bells at my doorway for walkers.  I can"t eat them but somebody sure can. What fun.  We are having a number of nice events here for Christmas.  Something for everyone.  I'll keep busy.

Betty Boop 

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