March 9, 2013


Jan came and so did Cary.  We enjoyed such a nice visit.  Always fun to talk about the new little descendant.  We had lunch on the terrace at the Cyber.  Only me and my family seem to enjoy the outdoors.  Some don"t know a wonderful Spring day when we get it.  It was perfect.  They left going to Baby's Are Us.  Excited as they could be.  Can't wait to hear about that trip. 

I worked at cleaning some things out.  I discarded the last pair of shoes Truman wore.  They were very scuffed up from pushing himself in the wheel chair.  He was taking care of business right up to the end.  It was a little upsetting.  And I did not cry till a little later when I checked out some more memories from my special "memory bank".  Don't go there as much as I used to but they are still so fresh and sweet.  I am glad my cup is running over with good memories.  See that you all make plenty of them.  They are priceless.

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Amy said...

Made some good ones on our trip. Will share themm soon.