October 28, 2019


But that is just the weather.  Here in my little corner of the world, time marches on.  It was a pleasure yesterday to see so many families meshing together.  On both sides there are interesting people.  My hearing aids are giving me trouble so I was at a loss to do much conversation, but I could tell very one was enjoying everything.  Food was as usual the best.  I remarked when I came home to the group on the elevator that I  had a wonderful brunch.  A man asked where?  I told him my daughter's house.  Oh he said, how nice.  We don't have to go "out" to get the best food in town.  Such good cooks among my family.  I walked the Halls to look at decorations for Halloween.  Candy too.  Brought home a small stash to dole out to myself later. We do our entrances so delightful.  I guess we miss those "Trick or Treat Days"  with  children.  I remember it was almost as much fun as Christmas.

Betty Boop

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