October 30, 2019


Table mates at lunch yesterday shared memories of playing in the rain as kids.  I still can't believe my Mother let me play in the rain.  She was so protective of my actions growing up.  I could not go barefooted because as she said I could cut my foot and then what would I do on Sunday when I could not wear a shoe to Sunday School.  But surprise, I could play in the rain barefooted..  What a joyous memory.  Especially when it was hot and even the rain felt warm.  I remember how much fun it was to stand and splash my feet and get wet all over and over again.  I guess it was not a storm when we played, or lighting.  Surely that was a  no-no.  Which brought back another water memory.  Making mud pies.  Do kids get to play in the good old mud anymore? I turned out many a pie and cake in my day.  To set up a kitchen outside and cook mud cakes and pies and decorate with grass or flowers was  fun.  Also rain brought a sort  of peaceful feeling then.  Kind of like slowing things up.  Oh. but I hated the raincoat though and those old rain boots were a pain to wear.  And my umbrella always seemed to be broken and hardly much protection.  Oh, well I have brought you down Memory Lane again.  Seems that is the place I am now.

Betty Boop

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