October 31, 2019


That is the way it goes.  One day you are hot and tired of summer attire, then you must find something warmer to wear.  I must go shopping.  These tired old rags wont do.  Even jeans must be looked at close.  They can change too.  I guess I don't dress "classic"--instead try to follow fashion so as not to stand out too much.  I never learned how to dress.  Yet, I hold on to some old relics till they  scream-"Please set me loose."  Of course fit is factored in there too.  Enough of this ,I need to be more thankful  for what I have. 

Amy and I ate lunch at CRAZY KATS  yesterday. Noisy and cramped feeling.  Food was O. K. but I am more the Picadilly type.  It  had to do with adjusting my hearing aids just before lunch.  I must go back again,  as they are not right yet.  I had to take them out while we ate, it was so loud.  O my, just wait till 92 and see how many little things can go wrong.  I am sorry to complain, but life does get tedious sometime.

Betty Boop

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