April 18, 2014


It is not all about new outfits, egg hunts, candy and great food.  Although these things represent new life and that is the message of Easter.  To build up to this we Methodist have services leading up to Easter morning and day Last night I attended the Maundy Thursday service at Broadmeadow.  Maundy comes from the Latin word  mandatum meaning "commandment." the new commandment that Jesus gave us to "love one another" so that people would know that we are his disciple.  

Very impressive when at the end the church is darkened and the church is stripped in a vivid and dramatic tradition  One by one everything is takes away, representing the times when we have turned away and abandoned Jesus.  Very impressive and gives you plenty to think about.  Of course tonight we have Good Friday service.  I will tell you what we do at that service later. 

Betty Boop

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