April 25, 2014


My days seem to be sooooo full lately.  I started off with breakfast in the Cyber, trying to use up my food allowance  Next hair cut and hurry home to color it and then to dinner in the Magnolia room with friends,  That is a special dinning room where everything is ala carte   Cooked to order and supposed to be like fine dinning.  So much for that.  Not worth the money which was a lot more than the regular dinning room prices.  Oh well I had the money to spend.  Why not.  Almost everyone else brought wine but our table did not.
  Big day for me.  Since I still go to Jackson to get my hair cut and my operator was running 30 minutes late, I felt  like Amy trying to fit so much in.  Oh well I do have a short dark haircut.  Think it will last?.  No I will have to do it all over soon.  I have to really work hard to keep up. with all these many things I have to do to look decent. .  I am lucky to still be able to do for myself as much as I do.

Betty Boop

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