January 6, 2015


As Amy read the poem I wrote for Ruby at her funeral , I was rushed back in time.  It was a poem I wrote for her 70th birthday.  I wrote one for almost every one of that generation and of course we had a party.  As memories rushed to my mind, I was taken back to a wonderful time right after the WW11.  When we were getting our civilian lives on track.  It really was a great time.  A blessed time to raise children and to grow in your profession.  As you know we all built houses close and helped start Broadmeadow. Church was our center and family was next.  I woke up at 4 this morning and got on the memory train and could not go back to sleep.  Well they were such good and some sad ones--but they are mine and I am proud I can still recall as much as I can.  Sometimes, I guess, it takes a loss to put new memories in the "bank."  Amy  read the poem with such love and did a great job.  I could never get up before many people and do that.  So thanks again to  her.  I am sure Ruby would have loved it as well as the beautiful tribute to her.  The lunch after was to her liking too.  She loved working in the kitchen at Church. 

Well old man winter has arrived.  In the 20's this morning and a lot of frost on my hill above the Lake.  What a beautiful sight.  Now the sun is out and it will warm up a bit but more cold is on the way.  After all winter really starts in January in the south.  I predict we will have snow this winter.  Well, I must go and take care of this day.

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Amy said...

My memories are strong too. It was a privilege to read that poem.