May 13, 2016


In spite of pain and other things, off we go.  A merry little band of "don't give uppers".  We love the Spring and the Fall camp outs   They have changed a lot since we had campers and in some cases tents.  Now it is
all cabins.  Nice, as we grow older.  It is amazing how close to the same meals we plan and snacks too.  Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  It has put much more work on some since Amy and I have been sidelined.  Not that I haven't been pardoned a few years ago.  Thanks to all the extra work all do.  Just to get away from everyday routine is good.  And to still (and I know I have said it many times) like to get together, just as Truman always strived to do, is amazing.  Don't ever underestimate the power of a caring family. 

Betty Boop

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