May 28, 2016


Odds and ends to do today.  Jan and Tommy went to David and Cary's in hope the little girl would be coming soon.  Jan could not wait, so they went to help and wait.  I slept till 7 this morning.  Not like me.  I  had a proper breakfast of oatmeal, with strawberries, English muffin with honey and turkey bacon, hot tea.  Pretty substantial I think.  But I kept thinking about egg-olive salad like Brent's makes.  Had to make some for lunch.  I ate it as a salad with whole wheat crackers and cheddar cheese.  A beautiful naval orange topped it off.  For dinner I had roasted chicken, broccoli, and a small amount of potato log.  You see it is  going down hill.  I topped it off with a very small slice of chocolate-peanut butter pie.  I hope I did not ruin it all with that pie, but it was so good.  I filled in the day with making flowers for birthday cards and reading a good book.  Now it is time to get ready for bed.  When I write it down, it does not look like much, but I filled the day and am ready for tomorrow.  Sophie's birthday.  My how time slips away.  A Willie Nelson song title.  I saw him last night on PBS.  He still is not much to look at, but my he sings good to me. 
Betty Boop
Queen of Nonsense

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