August 7, 2017


Well lets get started.  Sunday was again good.  Communion is always special.  Amy helped serve.  Proud of her.  Lunch at Scrouge"s Think that is the way to spell it.  Paul, Sophie, Ryan, Mary Grace Amy and me.  My they can cook veggies and cornbread.  As we got ready to leave, a downpour of rain drenched us all.  I came home and was cold and wet to the skin.  I put on my winter robe and stayed that way the rest of the afternoon.  Never got so rained on.  Could not get warm. Fun anyway. 

I am going to therapy on my shoulder this morning.  I can't stay "fixed."  As the old saying goes.  "It is just patch. patch, patch."  Don't know who first said it but I bet they were 90+. Hey that might make a good poem title for St. Catherine"s.

Betty Boop

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