August 5, 2017


I think Saturday is a day like no other.  Sort of an end to the week, a little break before the new one starts.  Early on -- a break from school, some times shopping for something special or just a day to catch up.  What possessed me to make veggie soup.  But it is simmering merrily in my slow cooker.  It smells good and reminds me of when Mama made it.  Her soup was the best.  As far as I can remember, the only kind she made was veggie.  Using up every scrap of left overs.  If you can call oyster stew soup, hers was again the best.  I hope it gets done by lunch time.  It takes lima beans the longest to cook and I put some raw ones in.

Breakfast with the Saturday Friends.  We hardly cross paths any other time.  They were fun this morning.  I chanced one pancake with my scrambled egg and bacon.  I can't resist sometime. 
well I will go see if the mail has come and then try that soup.  Wish you all had a bowl of it.

Betty Boop

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