August 16, 2017


It seems everything I do or have to do, comes too close together.  This therapy comes around 3 times a week and pretty much takes the day.  Be glad to finish it-5 more sessions.  It is helping.  Yesterday Amy took me for my toenail clipping.  Being diabetic, I have to have to done about every 3 months by Dr Sotolongo.  No problem, just has to be done.  After visiting the Church to pick up my glasses that I left on the pew Sunday, we went to Picadilly.  Don't laugh, we had the best trout amandine I have had in a long time.  And they know how to cook  vegetables.  Oh, well to each his own.  I must get on with my day.  Therapy at 10:00.

Betty Boop
P.S.  I know all this sounds boreing,  it does to me.

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