June 5, 2019


Rain today, so the report goes. I sat on the Balcony for coffee.  Not too warm yet. Jan took me for my A1C check since my meds changing 3 months ago.  Dr. was pleased  that the new was working and I am rid of the side affects my old one gave me.  I think the old one was really bad for my stomach.  Any way I am back on track now. Dr thinks I am very lucky to be doing so well.  She said most my age were not as easy to take care of as I am.   I try.  I slept good last night. The ups and downs are just not going away, but I slept 9 hours.  Wow--Bitsy was late for  her breakfast and still patient as could be.   I need to take lessons from her.  We went by Freshway Market on the way home.  I love that place for fresh veggies. It is great  entertainment for me.  I bought some frozen biscuits someone told me about.  Baked the whole batch  and froze them.  I toasted one this morning--mummmm  good.

Betty Boop

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