August 20, 2016


I guess my little laptop is getting old and like me does not like to rush anymore.  I had to unplug everything this morning and let it rest.  This afternoon it seems to be ready to go again.  How I know that feeling.

I had lunch yesterday with a little lady I had seen a lot but had never talked to.  I just was amused and had to hold my tongue.  Do you know the comic strip BETTY?  It is fairly new to me.  She is a little middle aged person with a husband  that she has to keep straight all the time.  Well this little lady at lunch is a widow so I don't know if she had that problem.  What amused me was she looked exactly like the comic strip lady.  So funny.  But that is not all--her name was Betty.  I have enjoyed that memory over and over.  Am I bad  or what?  I will not tell any one this story but you.  Wouldn't want to hurt that sweet little 4 foot tall lady.

My hummer is about to fly himself to death.  And fighting like a real warrior .  Keeps me busy filling the feeder and watching him.(her)?  Don't know about gender.  Maybe I will ask Mr. Google a few questions.  Seems like I am looking for something to do.

Betty (not the comic strip) Boop 

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