May 25, 2024


 I was just looking at S"s garden pictures for another time.  Can't get enough of it.  My flower garden is pleasing me too.  The morning is warm and sunny.  Just right for them. One walker.  Well she was a jogger in short, shorts.  A visitor?  The birds are still, kind of like the middle of the Summer. I am baffled at the funny little birds that keep raiding the Hummers feeder and keeping them away. They are here,( the Hummers). I see them. but they stay away from my feeder.  The visitors are Grey, black body and a red breast. The have beaks that will get juice out of feeder but rarely. They are just a little larger than a Hummer, yet smaller than the average bird.  They go from hole to hole trying and I am tired of running them away. Do any of my readers have an idea what they are?  And what to do about them.?

BETTY (Stay baffled) BOOP

p. s. I had blueberry waffles for breakfast.

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