May 20, 2024


I will have to get out there earlier to beat the heat on the Balcony.  My body system has changed and I need more sleep, so I am slower to get out on Balcony.  Hot early now.  I think Summer is official?  Stayed a little while till coffee was gone and hurried back in.  
Sunday was a little lonesome.  I am as spoiled as they get when no one calls or comes.  So Be It.

Why will the Hummers still pass me up?  I have everything ready. but they still go elsewhere.  Oh well, I am kept busy taking care of my flowers.  They are looking good. And I can talk to them.  They like that.  Choir today.  I love that.  Good friends and our Director is so patient and forgiving.  We have some hard music to learn.  A few new.  I hope the audience will like a few new.  I really don't.  I like the old.  OLD  FASHIONED. I started to say Old Fogie, but I wont!!!


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