May 3, 2024


 Yes a Black goose.  I opened the blinds to see a goose on the roof across the way.  I was surprised to see him standing tall and looking lonely.  I went to preparing breakfast and when I sat to eat, he was on the Golf Tee. Just walking around with no sound.  I watched him and he watched me.  I wondered if he was lost from his family?  Maybe on the way to someplace else.  He walked the golf course and on to the Croquet course and finally up and away.  Hope he finds the way soon. 

Hey did you hear The Mayflower Cafe downtown since the 3O's has been bought and being restored to it's original beauty?  It brings back my early days in the 4o's of my first job downtown and finding my sweet husband at the old Commercial Bank and Trust Co. Oh boy, the shrimp cocktails were plain and simply good. (50 hard earned cents) All we working girls  could afford.  Ahh!!!  memories.  Some true and some sort of remembered.  Humor Me Please!!!!


p. s. A. you made my day.

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