May 1, 2024


 The Lake is beautiful this morning.  So calm and smooth. the Willow and Cyprus Trees are flourishing.  The Lake is so calm that the trees and few clouds reflect like a painting.  My one regret in the way of talent, is that I did not try harder to draw and paint.  I always had a desire for both, but I guess not really any talent. Maybe it is still time.  No, my hands lack the strength to do either draw or paint.  But my mind still does.  Thank you Lord for that. I can plant flowers that make pretty pictures.  My they are loving the warmth and sun.  I love to hear that one Grand Daughter loves to plant and grow anything she touches.  What a talent. And I do think a few more are good at it too.  


p. s. Think "Grand Maw Moses!!  No, I have way passed her age. my chance has faded. B.B.

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