September 19, 2024


   CHILLER--An important part of this giant Air system we have here.  Part was ordered a while ago.  Part came and an all day without air was upon us.  I still had Amy's fan and I was thankful.  Time passed and they had trouble installing it.  I could have predicted that.  Still out at bedtime.  I went to bed, scantly clothed under the fan.  Sometime during the early hours it came back on.  I reached for cover and slept well.  The had brought in a extra generator and are working still. Ohhhhh!!! guess what. I have just realized it is working Still more to do. They say.  I do feel sorry for all the night workers and their dedication to help us all. I hope to get fixed  soon.  I am used to set backs and things not going well,  but today I will stay calm and hope for the best.  Don't you like to hear other peoples troubles?  Takes you mind off yourself?      


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