September 10, 2024


 I have to think that is true.  My Choir yesterday was a disaster for me.  Still can't take it.  My chair was close to the piano and Shirly plays with great force.  I could hardly stand the noise my hearing aid was picking up. An hour of hard work took a toll on my nerves. Oh, how beautiful the music was that she picked.  Some hard and took for me to strain and try to think.  I was a wreck when the hour was done.  I don't plan to give up, but I am tempted.  We will see.  Maybe this is the year to just listen and enjoy.

So, I slept fitfully and dreamed a lot. And good old friend "oatmeal" with blueberries and strawberries (the last of them) made it go down very good.  I put my toast crumbs out for this one bird who comes looking each morning.  Ready to start up his breakfast.  I will look forward to some seed and the bird feeder being my next project.  Can you imagine anything more fun?

I mixed up one last hummer food, I think.) Can't let them fly away hungry for the big flight ahead.

BETTY (must feed something) 

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