September 7, 2024


 Do you know the feeling when those close to you have been away a while and then they are home?  Mothers live with that feeling. My "travelers are home and I can breath a little easy again.  Don't get me wrong, I don't regret them going, I am glad they do, because  I used to go also. 

I have been thinking a little about Fall clothes. The colors are interesting.  One is an oldie.  Sort of wine, but not a strong stand out.  I can't describe it.  I remember a suit I had when I worked that was close to that' color. Just thinking. We sure have changed a lot in a short time. Change can be good.

BETTY  (meandering) BOOP

i love this space where I can make gramma mistakes, tell little "white" lies, dream a lot, express myself, tell secrets, confess a little, keep secrets too. BP    


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