September 6, 2024


Long time no see.  I was so happy that I wanted to feel it--so  I put on the long robe and flip-flops and just adjusted the balcony chairs till I was not really siting in the rain.  Felt like Gene Kelly in SINGING IN THE RAIN. No kidding,  I came close to singing.  It has slowed  to a drizzle, but more to come, so they say.  Those pretty little weather girls will not have wavey locks today.  More of a "bun" will have to do.

I know what I can do today.  Tackle the washing.  It is a joy to wash when it rains.  Because I remember the days when I did not have a dryer and wet diapers to dry. I wished in those days we could afford Diaper Service.  Yes there was such a thing. then.  Now--just throw aways.  My we have made a lot of progress for young Mothers.  Also. I think of making "soup" when it rains.  But not today.  I get to "sashay" on down the hall to the Cyber or Dinning room and say "soup." please. and "one of each kind." 

BETTY (lucky me" BOOP


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