September 2, 2024


 I guess it is the CLAIRTIN. I slept 10 hours last night.  I guess I needed it, as we say.  Too much sleep is making me slow,  rather than quick and lively.  So here I sit trying to write.  By the way I just noticed I have my gown on wrong side out.  Glad I don't worry about you seeing me.  Ups, I told you, so now you have a picture in your mind. Of this tattered little old lady, who loves to write, sitting in her turned in side out night gown, struggling to see straight, just pecking away as if there is no one looking.  Now who is Cyber World, if no one is looking? I guess it is the meds talking?


p. s.  I am fine, just trying to be funny, and can't be this morning.

1 comment:

Dot said...

Amy. where is your blog? I am looking for a few pictures. MOM