February 28, 2013


The JOY singers from CUM church were good.  But the Chinese Buffet was no Mr. Chins.  They tried hard but some of it was alright but some was not good at all.  For instance the rice pudding was the worse thing I ever tried to eat.  We have a suggestion box as you go out and I have never used it but today I told them to try again for the rice pudding.  The company was o. k. but there too I have had better.  Sorry to complain--I really shouldn't but I am telling it like it is.     Maybe I need a nap?

Betty Boop

February 27, 2013


Maybe a few days at a time, but I promise you Spring is on it's way.  OOO that means different clothes.  I wonder if those tired old "pedal pushers" still fit?  I do hope so.  However something new would be nice too.  I am getting to like breakfast at the Cyber.  Darlene Lucas and I had breakfast together.  I did not plan to go, needed to eat some oatmeal, but she called and I could not resist.  We then went to exercise class.  I went to the Bank to get a roll of quarters and then to Kroger for a few things.  Turned out to be a lot of things.  I just can't resist doing a little cooking for myself.  If you eat the food here everyday it gets a little too much the same and that is why I like to eat out on Sunday and to make some meals myself.  They are having a Chinese Buffet tomorrow.  I think I will go for lunch, even tho it will be no Mr. Chins.  Dancing With The Stars is getting ready to stare soon.  Can't wait to see Wynonna Judd dance.  HA!

Betty Boop 

February 25, 2013


Exercise started the day right.  Had lunch with my usual ladies that I have dinner with.  Changed to lunch just for one time.  I took my poem I wrote for them about our last dinner together where we lost a slice of beet.  You had to be there.   They loved it and thought I was "clever".  I don't know where theses poems come from. Maybe I find good material here. People here seem to enjoy them.       My, my , I had a turkey burger.  So good since I have finally gotten through to them to put it on whole wheat.  We had a good time and now I am off to Choir practice and then to the Methodist Church service.  Full Monday--the way I like it.

Betty Boop

February 24, 2013


Good day.  Church was good.  Lunch at our favorite Chinese place.  Mr Chins.  They have the best shrimp and vegetables of any place.  Sophie and Paul and Amy.  I am going to have a light supper and relax and watch the Oscar's. 

Betty Boop


Hoo Ray, I see the sun!  Hope it will be a good day.  After all, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Yesterday, Jan brought me a CD called I LOVE TO TELL THE STORIES.  Andy
Griffith singing. (Yes he can sing).  It was great.  It started with SHALL WE GATHER AT THE RIVER,  If you remember, I had everyone sing it at Truman's funeral.  I think you know the story of why that old, old song and why Truman liked it.  If not, I will tell it to you sometime.  Anyway, I sang along with all the old songs and had a real song fest.  Hope they did not hear me in the hall.  Come to think of it I don't care if anyone did.

Betty Boop

February 23, 2013


Early  (8:00 A.M.) breakfast with M, G. and Ryan.  Early for them anyway.  I enjoyed it and I think they did too.  Ryan put my new tag on for me and Mary Grace fixed a computer thing for me.  So they had to work for their breakfast.  No, not really.  But it was nice to get those things done.  Speaking of getting things done, Jan and I together solve a lot of problems too.  She had lunch with me and that is always good.  I don't know how I could get along without her.  She has become a sweet friend as well as a daughter.  I am sooooooo blessed with my family.  Each one means something special to me.  I went to Dollar Tree and bought some St. Patrick Day decorations.  I seem to have misplaced what little I had.  Have I mentioned that I like Dollar Tree?  Oh yes a few rimes.  I have my cat doll, a girl doll. and a monkey sitting on a little table all dressed in a St Patrick Day hat with shamrocks around them.  They all look a little "tipsy" like they have been drinking Irish coffee or something.  I don't know why they look that way to me. but a monkey-a-cat-a pretty girl!!All decked out for St.Patrick's Day.  How strange is that?.  Maybe strange is a better word because they sure have not been drinking any brew.  Church tomorrow.  Another one of my blessings (Amy) and I will go.  Come go with us.

Betty Boop

February 22, 2013

FRIDAY (already?)

The weekend comes around fast it seems.  M. G. and Ryan are coming for breakfast Saturday morning.  They will perk up the breakfast group and the "Old Girl" too.  That's my name at the beach.  That is coming fast too.  I am excited, play practice starts Monday March 11.  Can't wait.  WHATCHGOT?  Takes place in a Dr's office full of all kinds of people asking--"What you got"  I am a little boy protesting a shot and a mother determined I get it.  O boy, can I do it?  I sure will try.

Well I must run and get ready for the day and exercise class first.

Betty Boop

February 21, 2013


I enjoyed it. I am getting to like breakfast in the Cyber.  I don't mind shower and dressing for the day and going down to eat.  I always thought I could not do that.  Kind of like going on a convention and staying is a luxury hotel But, alas, I actually enjoy it.  God put two people in my path that I helped this morning.  And it is still not 9:00 clock.  A. M. that is.  I love St. Catherines--what is not to like?  I am going to a book review this morning.  Actually three books are being reviewed.  Ever heard of MRS. LINCOLN'S DRESSMAKER?  I haven't. It sounds interesting.  I sure liked the movie LINCOLN.  Have a good day, I am sure going to try.

Betty Boop

February 20, 2013


Things are going on, I just can't seem to write.  I am.I think, beginning to realize I am not as clever as I thought and what I write is a little silly sometime.  Maybe I finally need to grow up.  I did take my car to Patty Peck where I bought it and had the pressure in the tires adjusted and had it washed.  Now that is grown up for me.  I still can not pump gas.  Now that is being spoiled!!

Betty Boop

February 17, 2013


Went to Church and then to lunch with Amy, Sophie, Paul, M. G. and Ryan.  Had seafood gumbo.  was good  but a bit spicy for me.  I drank water and enjoyed it.  They all have so many stories and activities to tell.  Makes my "stuff" seem boring and mundane compared to theirs.  I guess I will start being quiet and listen.  The things I do fit me and I enjoy them.  No need to share because nobody really wants to hear about old folks activities.  I  am beginning to see that and understand.  I am just happy they will let me be a part of their lives even if it is just to listen.  I am sorry I made such a to do over my story and poem being published here.  You have to understand that it went over big here and I was proud of it no matter how silly it seems now.  I am making banana bread to take to church tomorrow,  They are having a brunch for the Hank Ware  family.  Hank died Friday.  We go way back to the days when we lived on Meadowridge and was raising our families.  Long time members of Broadmeadow.  I guess losing old friends has made me sad today.  Forgive me.
Betty Boop


I went with Jan, Amy, Cary,Sophia, and Mary Grace to see the new house David and Cary are buying.  Oh it is so pretty and beautiful baths and kitchen.  Important features.  I know how excited they are.  When Truman and I built our first house on Meadowridge, we were expecting our first baby too.  A new house and a new first baby was double excitement.  I am happy for them, as they make good "memories",  Cold this morning as we head out to church.  Haven't had much cold this winter.  I guess we are going tropic here in the south.  Whatever=====.

Betty Boop

February 16, 2013

P. S.

Sorry I made a mess of the second poem.  I may try again later. 

Betty (slip up) Boop


Waffles with blueberries and two friends-one old, Darlene and one new-Joan.  It was nice and a good start as I saw many people this morning.  The sun has brought us up and out.  Good!!  I am rereading a book of poems I think Linda gave me a while back.  JOURNEY THROUGH HEARTSONGS--by Mattie J. T. Stepanek.  At the writing (he wrote more) he was eleven and had muscular dystrophy.  He has since died but left so much in his poetry.    Here are two I like.
                                                                          PHILOSOPHY GLASS
When the sun sets,                                Some people see a glass                    Your glass is half empty,
In the mist.                                            With some water in it and say             well
                                                             "Oh yes, that glass is half full."          It may as well be empty all
The tiger and                                           Some people see a glass                  the way.
The dragon fight                                      With some water in it and say,            Quite a lot of insight for
In the purple light.                                    "Oh no, that glass is half empty."         an eleven year old!!
Who wins?                                               I hope that I am one of the                   Betty Boop
Who knows ?                                           People who is always able to
Great Heartsongs know,                           Look at each of my glasses and
The tiger of peace, or                               See them at least half full.
The dragon of anger.  May 1998               That's very important in life.
                            ,                                  Because if you live feeling like

February 13, 2013


The Mardi Gras celebration was a Little disappointing.  The Madison Central bus broke down (of course it was raining cats and dogs too)  They did not get to come.  We were, some of us, all dressed with beads and mask and the room looked great  and special coffee and no music!!  Well I stayed a while and gave it up.  The vendors were great.  Some special stores like Inside Story and several others with things I did not need.  I did bring home some new honey by the people in Raymond, Ms.  O well better next time.  We are having a Valentine tea with music--that will be better.  I am going to Ash Wednesday service at my church this evening.  Rain has stopped.  Thank you Lord for rain and for it to stop too.

Betty Boop      

February 11, 2013


I just got back from Brocks to get a haircut.  Once again, I got my money's worth.  Maybe it will last a month.  Since I was in the neighborhood, I drove down 1368 Riverwood Drive Jackson, Ms. 39211.  See I did remember my old address.  Reading Ashley's blog made me remember all the parties we had.  Although not all family dinners.  I used to have a lot of other stuff too.  Mine were not nearly as good as Ashley's but I got creative too.  It was fun to remember them and not feel too sad. I wanted to see if the jonquils were blooming.  They had been but the rain took it's toll.  Still more rain to come.  Maybe we need it but seems to me enough already. 

I have so much junk paper work.  I am afraid to get rid of some of it.  I wish I had someone to help me clean out my files.  I keep putting it off. but I know I would feel better without all this clutter.  Any volunteers?  No?  I guess you have plenty of your own.

Sweetly Be
Betty Boop

February 10, 2013


I just wanted you to know, I learned how to spell Mardi Gras.  Thanks to one of my prized birthday gifts.  Jan gave me (at my request) a new dictionary.  WEBSTER"S NEW COLLEGE DICTIONARY. Forth edition.  I am very proud of it.  I lost mine in the move and have been using a pocket one that Truman used in the Navy.  Very limited.  There are new words in this new one, and many of them. 

Feb. 12th:  Cafe de Monde"  MADISON CENTRAL BRASS  9:00 French pastries and coffee
                                           French Market\VENDORS!!!
We will even (maybe) march to Oh When The Saints Go Marching In.  Since you can not see me, I might march too.  O well we have to keep these seniors happy.  Wish you could come.  Have to be over 65, sorry.

Betty Boop

February 9, 2013


I got away with eating pancakes!!I know, I know, I said no more.  But, I started out with normal sugar reading and decided to take the plunge.  I took blueberries to top them and I was in heaven.  I guess it takes me back to every Saturday when Truman would make them for us.  I always said I could not make pancakes and I think he was proud that he could.  Win   Win.  I felt like a Star today.  I got so many complements on my story and poem..
Either we are starved for good writing and stories (we don"t get out much you know) or maybe they were good. It does make you feel good for people to appreciate your efforts.  Right?  I hope our New England family are O. K.  I bet the snow is pretty.   Very little chance of snow here but rain storms are predicted for tomorrow.  We will see.  Sometime they miss it.

Betty Boop
Good Night

February 8, 2013


People are going to think I am crazy.  I have been in the halls asking if you read my article on front page?  You would think it was THE NEW YORK TIME or at least THE CLARION LEDGER in Jackson.  It means a lot to me even tho some of my poems have been published in the Good Sam Club papers, this is different to me. I will send you a copy if I can find some in the waste paper bin later.  No just having fun with it.

Betty Boop

February 7, 2013

BIG DAY(for me)

I learned yesterday from the editor of THE VILLAGER that my Valentine story and also the poem would be front page.  It comes out today or tomorrow.  I will be published!!  I have been published with two other poems in the past in the GOOD SAM  magazine a few years ago.  But this is special to me.

I am reading HIGH PLAINS TANGO by Robert James Waller, author of THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY.  I am sure you have read that one.  This was a little hard to get into and actually I had checked it out some time ago and did not read much of it.  The librarian recommended it to me and said to keep reading and it gets better.  She is right.  Sometime I give up too quick.

Is it Winter, Spring, Summer of Fall?  I do not know.  So many people are sick and blame the weather.  Maybe in a way they are right. 

Read Ecclesiastes 3; 11-15  I love the Philosopher but you have to read it all to "get it"

Sweetly Be
Betty Boop

February 6, 2013


I am glad I do not have to drive this morning.  Fog is very heavy but is lifting fast.  In fact I see the sun peeking now.  I wish you could see a bed of tulips blooming in the rose garden here.  So pretty.  Red and yellow tulips are standing tall in a bed of pansies.  Someone made a picture and it is on the board down in the main hall.  Also a big red heart with old valentines arranged so nice.  Some of them look just like the ones I have at my eentrance.  I think I told you they were some Truman"s mother saved from Truman"s early school days when everyone brought them and gave one to everyone else.  Old tradition that I remember.  Maybe you do too.  Don't guess I will get a valentine this year.  I saved a few that Truman gave me.  We always exchanged them and I can remember getting excited to see what he picked out all on his own.  Sometime they were so sweet and said what he could not really say out loud and sometime they were down right silly.  It was fun to fine one at our breakfast plate.  He always remembered.    More sweet memories.  Make plenty now before it is too late.

Betty Boop

February 5, 2013


Nothing to talk about yet.  Only breakfast in the Cyber where I ate with another lady.  The day is young yet and maybe something worth telling will happen.  You never know around here,

Betty Boop

February 4, 2013


We had Souper bowl Sunday.. Lunch was homemade soups and other things.  Soup was the centerpiece.  People were creative.  So good.  I went to the Super bowl dinner and game om big screens here I stayed  through the 1st quarter.  Too noisy to hear the commercials, which I wanted to see.  I came home and got caught up in the game and enjoyed it.  I did not need all that good food people brought either.  A lot is going on around here as usual.  I decorated my entrance with valentines that were Truman's as a boy.  His mother saved a lot of them  I am glad she did.  They are so cute.,  I also put out some beads and coins and purple, green, and blue paper flowers I made for Mada Graw(is that the way to spell it?)  My southern way anyway.  You know what I mean. 

Betty Boop

February 2, 2013


The older you get, the more birthdays mean to you.  Except in a different way.  I received 45 birthday cards and a couple of people said one is to come due to forgetfulness.(  What else is new)?.  One call and one in conversation.  Let's put that to bed now.

Beautiful weather. Cool and sunny.  Just perfect.  We had a giant closet sale yesterday.  Can't wait to see the total made.  I am sure it was the largest ever.  All goes to employees Christmas Bonus fund.  Good thing.  People clean their closet and we can help the dedicated employees.  Win Win.

Betty Boop