September 16, 2014


Needed it. (slow day).  Shampoo, changed bed lines, did my laundry too. . Cooked all my meals today.  Worked on my poem book.  I am arranging all the poems I have written in one notebook.  I am amazed at how many I have written over the years.  My neighbor , Mary, gave me a perfect tomato.  Her son has a garden.  I had the most wonderful sandwich at lunch.  Just mayo  and salt and pepper.  MMMMM Good.  I ate the rest tonight just cut up and salted.  Along with left over pot roast and a fresh ear of corn.  Hope my blood sugar does not go up from that sweet corn.  It was so good.  Well they voted off the Dancing With The Stars girl I wanted them to.   She had a bad attitude .  Now I will read a little and hope for a good nights rest.   I get very few of those.  I guess it goes with the territory.

Betty Boop

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