February 5, 2015


You may have noticed my blog yesterday was a bit scattered--maybe not?  Well I will try to put it together better today.  I may retype the HAIKU"s.  I wish I could learn more of how to move things around on my computer.  When I try, sometime I either loose it or it gets scattered.  Oh well.  I had breakfast in the Cyber all by myself.  It happens sometime.  People have early appointments and such.  But the egg over light, sausage, whole wheat toast and coffee was all so good and the company was doing fine (me.)  I have a coffee this morning.  Once a month our CEO , Mary Margret  Judy calls us in and tells us what is what.  So I will go and say "Yes mam".  I have an interview to do and a poem for St. Patrick's Day for the next VILLAGER in March.  So I need to get on with  that.  I am still getting HAIKU poems running through my head.  Maybe I should say stumbling?  Any way it is fun to write thoughts and that is really what it is.  A musical program this afternoon.  I will wait till I hear it and then maybe tell you about it.  So this cold cloudy day is once again "full."  Thanks be to God.  HEY THE SUN JUST PEEKED OUT!!!!


A friendly smile is nice
Give one today.
After all they are free.

LIGHTNING   (this one has a long ago story, will tell you sometime.)

Lightning flashes across the sky,
stirring burried memories 
of a long ago part of my life.


Birthdays should be welcomed
enjoy every one.
don't think of the alternative.

  Betty Boop

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