November 15, 2015


Yes, how pleased again to have Brody, Cary, and Jan to lunch.  Brody is getting a following around the Halls.  He is a perfect guest at lunch.  He really enjoyed grilled cheese, milk and fruit in MaMaw's Café.  Of course I loved talking to Cary about the new little one who will join their growing family in June.  So exciting. 

What would I do without Jan?  She is so willing to help me with my "business".  I would be lost without her. She  navigates the Madison Library's on line system like a pro.  We had to recheck a book for me.  THE HISTORIAN is a long book and I did not get to finish it before it is due.  Now I can enjoy it.  It is quite interesting. 

Jan also took me to Lowes to buy a few pansies.  Took me back to the Memory Bank, where I checked out sweet memories of Truman.  We always bought lots of pansies and he helped me plant them.  I have always liked pansies.  Now I have two big pots smiling at me on the balcony.  Now I will put Jan in the Memory Bank and check her out from time to time.  You do what you have to do and be thankful.

Betty Boop

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