June 28, 2017


My time this morning on the balcony was pleasant --just enough cool breeze to make me wont to linger.  I saw a "lonely" duck sitting on the wall of the lake below me.  So still, I had to wonder.  My "make believe" got away from me.  Was the duck lonely or merely resting in the morning sun. or was he getting away from the family?  I saw a walker come by and the duck flew into the water.  It swam with a v shaped wake behind him to the middle of lake as another came swimming swiftly toward it and joined together as they swam up stream.  Simple story, but was it? 

The grass is so thick and green from rain.  It made me think of thick green shag carpet.  Remember shag?  Not pretty to me.  But they will be out soon mowing it to a smooth carpet.  I must get back to exercise class this morning.  My old bones are creaking and begging for exercise.  I will see what I can do.

Betty Boop

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