July 4, 2017


It dawned bright and warm with promise of hot.  Well what else can you expect?  Perfect.  I am celebrating with our big lunch beginning at 10:30 till 1:00.  I start At 11:30 with the "girls.  They are serving brunch through lunch food.  And ice cream at the end.  Boy  I am glad they are having watermelon on the long list of the usual 4th type food.

                                                                             JULY 4th
Let us all celebrate this day.
With fireworks, parades, and pride.
Whatever is your way.
Our Nation--side by side.
Our Forefathers, let us not forget.
Their foresight was unsurpassed.
With determination, the task they met.
To insure our Independence at last.
Dot Ellis (Betty Boop)

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