June 30, 2023


It seems that all is on go . You never know what will happen for sure. So you have faith and plan. My Dr said yesterday to GO. I will be alright. Well as alright as I can get. I told him I would be afraid not to go when everyone else is going . To the Beach of course. Annual since 19something? Long time and it is amazing. I have my list and checking is several times. You would think I was going  way into the jungle or somewhere remote. But some things are such a part of me, like meds that I must be careful and follow the list. Yesterday was fun at our special birthday place for A's birthday. Can't get enough of that Shrimp Bisque' and Cesar salad. 
I will go and get ready, little by little and try not to overdo my strength. Looking forward to the good seafood at  the Beach, and all the other plans made by the FAMOUS COOKS.

BETTY( always ready to eat) BOOP
p. s I weighed 101  Dr's office--up a pound watch it !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are going! You will have lots of adventures to tell us about. Love hearing about the food (I love to cook). Relax and have fun. Ivey