September 23, 2013


Sunday at Church we had a covered dish lunch.  It was good.  I miss Truman there so much.  But I keep going.  I brought flowers from Church and arranged three to give away.  One to Middie Crosby (my Riverwood neighbor)  What are the odds of that?  It always surprises me who I meet out here.  I have also met a little lady, Eva, across the hall from Irene.  I pop in to visit a minute with her before going to visit Irene.  I took her flowers and paper ones too a while ago.  She is so sweet and alert.  She was reading a book that I had just turned in.  A very romantic mystery.  We talked about that.  What can I say?  We never get too old for love or to read about it.  I think I will take her a new bookmark next visit.  They always pleased me .  Just a talk and smile helps most people.  Especially people like her.  Am I selfish to get so much from helping someone else?  After all it is not all about me. I am amazed at the things that cross my path. I know I am blessed.

Betty Boop


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